UFC, etc.

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I wouldn't call a sloppy brawl between two fat whales "amazing amazing fight" The UFC is supposed to be competition between the most highly skilled martial artists in the world..This looked like a sloppy Tough Man brawl between an old overweight whale and a mutated freak


I bet you that fat whale would beat that asss in a good technical way :rotfl
Bro, one guy is 40 with a body that looks made from marshmallows and the other some kind of giant misshapen mutant that barely looks human..
They were both very sloppy, sluggish and extremely slow..They looked exhausted by the middle of the 1st round it looked like slow fat seals punching each other..no technique, no defense, no footwork or head movement...It was a shameful Tough Man brawl in an organization that markets itself as having the "best martial artists on the planet"

Jump in the cage and beat either one of them.
I bet you that fat whale would beat that asss in a good technical way :rotfl

Jump in the cage and beat either one of them.

That's idiot talk that has no bearing on what we're talking about here..I'm not a "professional martial artist" prostituting his body and health for a living.
We're talking about the merits of the UFC claiming that geriatric old whale Mark Hunt and barely functional mutated freak Bigfoot Silva are somehow the "best martial artists on the planet"....BS
Classic Leonerdis. He disappears for long stretches and after months of being ridiculed at his job flipping burgers by customers and his 17 year old manager he comes to SSF to vent and act tough. Never fails to entertain. :lol
That's idiot talk that has no bearing on what we're talking about here..I'm not a "professional martial artist" prostituting his body and health for a living.
We're talking about the merits of the UFC claiming that geriatric old whale Mark Hunt and barely functional mutated freak Bigfoot Silva are somehow the "best martial artists on the planet"....BS

They're in the UFC for a reason. They are in fact some of the best in fighting. Hunt himself proved this after the UFC offered to buy his last 3 fights out and to just leave. Hunt fought the remaining fights on his contract, and has done so in such a great showing, people actually were begging for him to get a title shot.
Question is, how many people are asking you to much of anything these days, other than to just go away.
They're in the UFC for a reason. They are in fact some of the best in fighting. Hunt himself proved this after the UFC offered to buy his last 3 fights out and to just leave. Hunt fought the remaining fights on his contract, and has done so in such a great showing, people actually were begging for him to get a title shot.
Question is, how many people are asking you to much of anything these days, other than to just go away.

That is a question your unfortunate wife must be asking you daily and only you have the answer

There's no denying Hunt has the heart of a champion but if Hunt, Antonio Silva and Big Country are what is considered top 10 heavyweights on earth, the UFC HW division is suffering from serious credibility issues

Classic Leonerdis. He disappears for long stretches and after months of being ridiculed at his job flipping burgers by customers and his 17 year old manager he comes to SSF to vent and act tough. Never fails to entertain. :lol

:slap Sure took you a long while to come up with such lowly comeback (that most likely describes your own life)..You're becoming even slower and dumber with age :duh
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still bad *** "whales". Not sure if they are "the best" but that fight was awesome.
That is a question your unfortunate wife must be asking you daily and only you have the answer

There's no denying Hunt has the heart of a champion but if Hunt, Antonio Silva and Big Country are what is considered top 10 heavyweights on earth, the UFC HW division is suffering from serious credibility issues

:slap Sure took you a long while to come up with such lowly comeback (that most likely describes your own life)..You're becoming even slower and dumber with age :duh

I think your looking at more the physical look these guys both have. Sure Bigfoot is so big he comes off as awkward and Roy is a fat belly guy along with Hunt being another big belly guy. These guys are there for a reason. There in the UFC and until some one comes along and knocks them off that tier it is what it is. Sure they don't look the prettiest but its not about looking good, its not a vanity contest, its a fight and if a big fat guy dominates well that's just how it is.

Name some heavies that aren't already in UFC that could beat these guys and I don't mean get a lucky punch type stuff. I mean skills that would match. Its MMA, anything can happen.
Name some heavies that aren't already in UFC that could beat these guys and I don't mean get a lucky punch type stuff. I mean skills that would match. Its MMA, anything can happen.

i agree. There was alot of hype with that Kimbo Slice guy and where is he now? Not in UFC, even though he "looks" better than Roy Nelson or younger than Hunt.
i agree. There was alot of hype with that Kimbo Slice guy and where is he now? Not in UFC, even though he "looks" better than Roy Nelson or younger than Hunt.

Houston Alexander lol Look like Tarzan. Get hit like Jane.
You guys have a good point...though its much harder to market guys who look like the Pillsbury marshmallow man as "top athletes" and "best martial artists on the planet" - Fat guys tend to dominate the MMA heavyweight divisions in every organization
^Fat guys dominate the HW division? Outside the UFC maybe. Only ones that look fat, that are worth a damn, are Hunt, Roy, and sometimes Barnett. The rest are in good to great shape.
You guys have a good point...though its much harder to market guys who look like the Pillsbury marshmallow man as "top athletes" and "best martial artists on the planet" - Fat guys tend to dominate the MMA heavyweight divisions in every organization

You can't market chiseled HW's that don't win either....see Alistair Overeem.:lol
This is wonderful news..Hopefully GSP never comes back..I've had enough of his 25 minutes of jab, run, takedown, dry hump sessions to last a lifetime..Can't think of a more exciting matchup than Hendicks vs Lawler for the title

hopefully Lawler wins, that would be cool, don't think either could hold the title for long though. Condit is the best in the division after GSP imo.