Mr. Green
Super Freak
Grats to Holm.
This is like when Lesnar beat Undertaker at WM.
This is like when Lesnar beat Undertaker at WM.
why are you guys even comparing real fighting to fake fighting? Apples and oranges...
I guarantee some WWE guys are tougher than a lot of UFC guys.
I guarantee some WWE guys are tougher than a lot of UFC guys.
No risk? Their top dog (Rollins) just blew out his knee. And another guy was nearly paralyzed just a few weeks ago from a relatively mundane manouver. Say what you want to say about how wrestling is scripted (just like your favorite movies and tv shows) but dont go around saying there's "no risk" in wrestling.It doesn't matter, still fake. And no risk. Lost interest in WWE decades ago.
It doesn't matter, still fake. And no risk. Lost interest in WWE decades ago.
why are you guys even comparing real fighting to fake fighting? Apples and oranges...
Sure, there is some risk in anything physical. But WWE is just about staged. It's not the same risk at all. Even with MMA, there is some limitation; certain move are banned.
WWE is riskier based on volume if nothing else.
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Of course wrestlers are no where near as tough as MMA fighters. Could you imagine if a pro wrestler like Brock Lesner tried to do MMA? Oh, wait...
^^^ That was because of his disease.
Keep telling yourself that. Fact is, he came at the exact right time when the UFC heavies were at almost an all-time weakest. Cripes, 46 year old former 205 pound Randy was champ there for awhile.