Dumbest mistake when you're fighting the opposite stance. Going in like that on a southpaw was just asking for trouble. I'm not buying into the whole Macgreggor thing. At first I kinda had an open mind, but after the Mendes fight, I saw a huge gaping hole. I honestly think Faber could take him (I know, different weight classes, but it was still played on), and I don't think Faber is all that. But what he is, is a wrestler that could dip Connor on his head. But who knows, maybe Faber would commit the same mistake.
Also I want everybody to think about this. The more money that one fighter makes, the better training and dedication goes in to a camp PERIOD! Connor had an easy path paved for him when he first showed up. White then took interest and then started to fund the guy. Go ahead and make the argument that Aldo does the same, but in fact that wouldn't really be the truth. Aldo has been underpaid, and doesn't have certain resources that white/UFC can easily supply. I'm not saying Aldo has it terrible, but I will say that his access to a lot of things is very limited.
Also, one more thing. How's come every time ol Connor makes a win, old Dana and the two bros are toasting champagne with the guy? Do the math...