Ultimate Blade Runner DVD to be released.

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Alice Adrenochrome said:
Since I love to bring up the Belgian artist Moebius from time to time, this is a good time. Moebius also worked on Blade Runner. He did some of the product design, and besides that, Ridley Scott used a Moebius comic ( "The Long Tomorrow" ) for inspiration. Moebius rocks!
Yet another thing I agree with. He also worked on Alien, The Abyss and The Fifth Element, to name a few. Moebius is one of my favorites. I have all his collected hardcover books, signed and numbered. I also have a couple of small signed portfolios.

But let's not forget the main visionary behind Blade Runner: Syd Mead. He really gave the movie it's look. An amazing designer.
Batty said:
... I have all his collected hardcover books, signed and numbered. I also have a couple of small signed portfolios.
:bow awesome! I'd love that too. Some of his earlier work is very hard to get as a first edition (John Difool for instance)... Even if it's not singed[/quote]
I actually have a large Moebius print in my home... inherited from dead relatives. I don't know much about it but I think its from the City of Fire series with Darrow, got signatures and everything... I like it a lot.
Finally got my V3 Android Hunter today... very cool figure! And for only $60 shipped totally worth it!
galactiboy said:
Finally got my V3 Android Hunter today... very cool figure! And for only $60 shipped totally worth it!

I'm glad you finally got him! $60 -- you got him for an incredible price. He's one of my all time personal favs.
gdb said:
I'm glad you finally got him! $60 -- you got him for an incredible price. He's one of my all time personal favs.

Yeah I'm real happy with him... and its nice that you have both the generic sculpt and the better Harrison one to choose from. I have to say the costuming on him is actually quite good and I could have paid more: V3 auction:google
Batty said:
Great price! I paid $58 for mine. At one time you couldn't get one for less than $80. Please post pics as soon as you get his head back. Any thoughts of changing his body?

Well, until I take some better pics (or get my hands on a better camera) this one will have to do.

The face paint is better than I expected. It's both dramatic and pasty, just like the man himself! Reading between the lines of Customikey's e-mails, getting the pale complextion just right was... a challenge... but I am blown away at the results. Perhaps due to the harsh paleness, or perhaps the limitations of my camera, he doesn't photograph well -- likes to look dead -- but he is beautiful in person.

What I'm most happy with is he slapped that "Hello!" grin off of Batty's face and replaced it with a menacing purse of the lips.
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Looks great... now is that the original head he came with or is it completely new? Either way, really nice looking figure, especially with the V3 next to him!
galactiboy said:
Looks great... now is that the original head he came with or is it completely new? Either way, really nice looking figure, especially with the V3 next to him!

It's the orginal head. Only the paint is new. Here's another pic. (I gotta get a better camera one of these days...)

Nice job by Mikey as usual, but I like the little smirk on Batty's face. He certainly did his share of smiling and grinning in the movie.
Batty said:
Nice job by Mikey as usual, but I like the little smirk on Batty's face. He certainly did his share of smiling and grinning in the movie.

Couple more shots with a better camera...

I asked Customikey to de-emphasize the "evil" grin that Batty uses in the movie (as it seemed too friendly on the head out of context) into a thoughtful smirk. He came through admirably.

Protozaius said:
Wow... I never heard anyone ever say that. :monkey4 :monkey4 :monkey4

Are you referring to the VO or the classic Vangelis score? I thought Vangelis did for Blade Runner what John Williams did for Star Wars... helped elevate the emotional intensity of the film at partically EVERY frame.

And I'm truly surprised at the level of support the exorcised VO is getting in this thread. I HATED it when I saw it in theaters... as did many of my peers. Even Harrison Ford was quoted to saying that he hated doing it! The director's cut may not have been perfect, but it didn't have Ford's godawful droning vocals destroying the mood. Geez, it's amazing what a little time can do to change public opinion. :confused:

I truly think Jar Jar has a shot at becoming a well-loved character in my lifetime.

But that is just my opinion. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

Glad I could be a first. No, I hated the Vangelis score and still do with a passion. It just ruins the movie for me.

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