Demi G0D Overseer
Yep I am frothing at the mouth for this game. Looks like this is the ONLY PS3 game coming out this year. 

When are they going to start making some games?

When are they going to start making some games?
Yep I am frothing at the mouth for this game. Looks like this is the ONLY PS3 game coming out this year.
When are they going to start making some games?
Oh, pffffff. Stop that. We listed a bunch of games earlier, but I guess you didn't notice them.![]()
He perhaps doesn't want to notice or acknowledge them?
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack a Time is no title to ignore.
I actually agree with Badmoon. The PS3 is seriously lacking exclusive titles for fall-holiday season.
who cares if ps3 dosent have many exclusive titles.
All we need is one and uncharted 2 will be this years best game.
The multiplayer is just amazing and I bet the slingle player will be epic.
who cares if ps3 dosent have many exclusive titles.
All we need is one and uncharted 2 will be this years best game.
The multiplayer is just amazing and I bet the slingle player will be epic.
the big game this fall is modern warfare 2
Maybe I should finished the first Uncharted...
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OMG ! this review just blew me away.
I cant wait to buy this game.
this game is so epic is so many levels!