Uncharted 2:Among Thieves

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Placed the preorder down at Gamestop today and got the code for the MP beta happening in August....cant wait...!

I just hope the exclusive in game item is not a golden gun...!
Placed the preorder down at Gamestop today and got the code for the MP beta happening in August....cant wait...!

I just hope the exclusive in game item is not a golden gun...!

They're doing another MP Beta? I played the one in June and it was pretty fun.
They're doing another MP Beta? I played the one in June and it was pretty fun.

Yeah, I skipped that one, but round two is 8/13 or so - somewhere around there....

Since this is a day one purchase, I wanted to take advantage of the preorder and get the 2nd round beta code

What was your impressions of MP? Is it a quality MP ?
Definitely a day one purchase. I was disappointed when the beta in June shut down. I was playing the hell out of that beta.
I was in the beta, nothing special. I lost interest after a few plays. I play Uncharted for the single player experience. COD is where the multiplayer is at this winter as well as the next few years.

An Uncharted movie....:sick:monkey4

Hollywood ruins videogame franchises.
yeah man MW2 does look sick, i cant wait to get that game.

and as for the uncharted movie we'll have to wait and see.
I was in the beta, nothing special. I lost interest after a few plays. I play Uncharted for the single player experience. COD is where the multiplayer is at this winter as well as the next few years.

Yep same here man i played beta it was ok but i'm buying the game just for SP. :rock
imdb says he is. :)

Just for kicks, I went to Richard McGonagle's site last night and sent an email, asking if he was, in fact back.

I received a short-but-sweet email response, saying that yes, he was back!


Love all the characters, but Sully was my fav. So glad he is back, voice and all!
I was in the beta, nothing special. I lost interest after a few plays. I play Uncharted for the single player experience. COD is where the multiplayer is at this winter as well as the next few years.

An Uncharted movie....:sick:monkey4

Hollywood ruins videogame franchises.

Yep same here man i played beta it was ok but i'm buying the game just for SP. :rock

Oh, don't get me wrong, Uncharted's single-player campaign is where it shines and THE reason to get the game, but the multi-player is essentially a nice bonus. I not a huge fan of shooters, and the Uncharted multiplayer was a nice distraction from playing COD4 for the past two years...
gonna be epic!!

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