I might be confident enough to add sand to it. Although, I don't even know where I'd get clean sand from.
try pet shops... they sell sand for birds and rodents, sand like that is clean and comes in various shades of brown and white/grey
I might be confident enough to add sand to it. Although, I don't even know where I'd get clean sand from.
got my replacements ,SS did something more as well, send me a free collectible care kit as well, lolTry not to let it get you down. When/If you get a mint replacement, maybe you will feel that it was worth all the hassle
I was trying to take close up pics of the sculpt, but didn't really get the results (maybe a bit blurry & distorted) I wanted. I found taking a frame grab from a video I took looked better.
Such a nice statue. If I get a 2nd (who knows), I think I'd display it without the scarf (I like that look as well) & I might be confident enough to add sand to it. Although, I don't even know where I'd get clean sand from.
Hey, anyone in SoCal looking for this statue at around $260?
Thinkgeek is doing a sale right now B1G1 on video game items. I don't need two of these statues, and I'm not looking for a Mass Effect or Halo statue (which is also available).
PM me.
No one interested? Heck, I'll ship it at cost to anyone so about $260 plus shipping. I can't keep two of these.
I just sold my last of us statue via ebay. I figured a nicer statue will eventually come out or with the remastered PS4 edition, maybe another run of statues.
I'm hoping SS gets the Metal Gear license, a 1/4 PF Big Boss would be my grail.