Uncharted: The Movie (Now without a director, officially)

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Let’s hope this will turn into another Deadpool situation where the studio decides to make a movie based on this short. I mean it was pretty much perfect.
That short is extremely well done for what is essentially a fan film. They totally nailed what Uncharted is and Nathan Fillion has Nathan Drake's mannerisms and humor down to perfection. It's just further proving that he is the best choice for the role.

I know it's asking too much for Sony to get their act together, but they need to step back and make some changes because an Uncharted movie with Tom Holland as the lead is going to be a trainwreck. As much as I love Tom as Spider-Man, he doesn't fit the role in the slightest.
Sony wants to make Holland their golden boy because his Spider-Man was “popular”.
It's funny because I remember back playing Uncharted Drakes Fortune and Uncharted 2 at release, and people were drawing the comparison to Mal Reynolds in Firefly. It's a shame that Fillion is a good ten years too old now really. Nolan North (not surprisingly) ten years ago would have been good too. Nobody knows the character and mannerisms better than he does, and while Drake's facial visuals aren't identical, like is often the case in the Game Industry, he's not a million miles off either.
Nathan Fillion pretty much nailed it in that fan film. Would love to see him play Drake in the series.

I have to say though, it was a bit too silly for my tastes. Nathan Drake knows how to make a good sarcastic quip to lighten the tension a bit, but he is never silly. And always serious when it comes time for action. This verged into the goofy a bit.

Also if they were to make the movie he would have to get in better shape. A few of those action scenes (especially the running) were a bit awkward to watch.