Funny, I just posted this in the SW Episode VII thread but it's more appropriate here:
Robocop 2 has it's issues but it's a hell of a lot of fun.
The new electric blue Robo suit is awesome and mesmerizing in every scene. Some great action gags like him stepping out of the fiery police car after it flipped over due to multiple bazooka blasts, the bank shot, the FIRST movie to feature the "sniper gets shot in the eye through his own scope" (which was copied in not only Sniper but Saving Private Ryan!)
There are some poignant moments (all carried solely by Weller.) "Touch this." "Its cold." "They made this to honor him." And even when that stupid kid died he got to say, "Dying sucks, but you already know that, huh?" "Yes. I do...." I don't know that there was one single exchange in the entire 6+ hour SW prequel TRILOGY that matched any of those scenes.
There's some great comedy (again with the ads but also the news broadcasts.) "The nuclear reactor in the Amazon blows up and irradiates the world's largest natural rainforest. Environmentalists are calling it a disaster." "But don't they always?"

Plus the new prototypes have me in stitches every time I watch them unveiled.
And of course Robocain (or Robocop 2 as he's technically called) and the sheer unadulterated mayhem of the final act. Kind of the cyber version of King Kong run amuck.
They screw up some of the awesomeness of the first film of course, the city is clearly sillier and not the same one inhabited by **** Jones and Boddicker's gang. Robocop has absolutely zero personal connection to any of the villains, including Cain. He isn't really even phased by the fact that he gets disassembled at one point. He's really all business throughout the film save for those two scenes I mentioned above. The music pretty much sucks and sounds like something out of a 1970's CHiPs TV show. Not all the jokes strike gold (how many homicidal filthy mouthed little kids does one movie need), and apparently the savvy if slightly out of touch old man from the original is just pure evil now. But meh, I rarely think of sequels when watching predecessors. Robocop 1 is it's own thing and R2 is a fun continuation for some laughs and entertaining Robocarnage. Murphy ripping the brain out of Cain and smashing it on the pavement (and then punching the goo!) would have made Billy Bob of TNT's MonsterVision proud.
I remember watching it in the theater on opening weekend summer 1990 and having a blast.