Unpopular movie or tv show opinions

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With all the crap opinions about movies contained in this thread, it's "Aliens > Alien" that gets pulled up? :dunno :lol

:lol Crap on Marvel films, DC films, and Star Wars films and people be like


Crap on Alien and people be like


I like Iron Man 2. I think the raceway fight is the best fight in the series. I like Iron Man 3, too. I don't give a **** about the Mandarin and I doubt most of the people who raised hell about his "mistreatment" ever did more than a Wiki skim to see what was so offensive about it.
Honestly, I'm shocked it took this long for someone to start complaining about something. :lol

Pretty much. You can't have a thread like this and keep out the defenders.

People get so butt hurt.

A unpopular flick I enjoy, Drive Angry.
While not the best of their genre, I enjoy: Hell Comes to Frog Town, XMO: Wolverine and Road House. I got many more where those came from :lol
I didn't laugh once when I watched Wayne's World.

Funny you should say that. I once rented Wayne's World, but the disc was kinda scratchy and the first ten minutes didn't interest me at all. So I shut it off and watched Escape from New York instead :lol Definitely a better investment of my time.

I never got any of the love for Austin Powers either. I've seen the first and the second one and laughed one time during each film :huh
Jimmy Fallon is not funny. He is annoying as hell and I hate people that just break into impressions for no reason.
National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 probably caused me to laugh out loud more times than any other movie. I still giggle like a little girl when quoting it with my sisters and cousins.

Grandma's Boy is the only raunchy comedy I own and care to rewatch.

I watched all of Desperate Housewives on Netflix over winter break and thought it was a great television show. I'm not sure how popular or unpopular of an opinion that is among men but it seems like it might not be normal.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is one of my favorite action/adventure movies and I think it's a travesty that there weren't more made.

I like the Star Wars Expanded Universe (erm, the "Legends Series?") as much as the Original Trilogy.

I don't hate all the CGI additions to Mos Eisely. Replacing old aliens, Greedo shooting first, that dumb ronto/Jawa gag, etc are all bad. But I liked the Womp Rats, I liked the design of the ASP-7 droids, I like the Imperial Sentry Droids, and I love the CGI Falcon taking off. The rest of the changes in the 1997 Special Edition outside of Mos Eisely in A New Hope were all for the better.