Unpopular movie or tv show opinions

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I tried to like "Days of Future Past", but there were so many plotholes and clunky explanations that it kept taking me out of the movie.

James McAvoy falls flat as Professor X.

I didn't like Heath Ledger's joker.

The American version of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" was a much better adaptation than the Sweedish one.

Mad Men was a collection of well written individual scenes that added up to a flat and meaningless story.

Nothing makes me angrier than when someone justifies a lame, depressing, or unresolved story with the phrase "Well that is how real life is sometimes". This is not real life. This is movies and tv. It isn't meant to be real. And nothing seems like a bigger waste of my increasingly shrinking leisure time than spending it on something that makes me feel depressed or unfulfilled. I get enough of that crap from real life.

Part of me wonders if the only reason Firefly is remembered so fondly is that it didn't stick around long enough to start sucking the way most shows eventually do.
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I think Alien is boring. it is too long, they had to hide the alien because of budget but i do not understand why make the movie so long
unnecessary long. i know everyone loves the tension it creates but for me it does the opposite, i lose interest

the movie needed to be at least 20 minutes shorter.specially at the beginning I think a shorter movie would have a greater impact when the reveal of the alien happens

thats why aliens is a better movie. they dont drag it out as much
I think Alien is boring. it is too long, they had to hide the alien because of budget but i do not understand why make the movie so long
unnecessary long. i know everyone loves the tension it creates but for me it does the opposite, i lose interest

the movie needed to be at least 20 minutes shorter.specially at the beginning I think a shorter movie would have a greater impact when the reveal of the alien happens

thats why aliens is a better movie. they dont drag it out as much

I agree. Aliens is much better.
I think Alien is boring. it is too long, they had to hide the alien because of budget but i do not understand why make the movie so long
unnecessary long. i know everyone loves the tension it creates but for me it does the opposite, i lose interest

the movie needed to be at least 20 minutes shorter.specially at the beginning I think a shorter movie would have a greater impact when the reveal of the alien happens

thats why aliens is a better movie. they dont drag it out as much

I agree. Aliens is much better.
Absolutely not. Blackmask, you're in time out.
blackmask...werewolf beast...******....crows.
-mr. green :monkey3

I possibly prefer Aliens too from a nostalgia standpoint but 'boring' Alien is not. The visuals, the music or lack of music where appropriate, the sets, the characters and their interactions are all standouts in why that movie is great even before the Alien shows up.
Yep, another ALIENS preferrist here but ALIEN was still pretty much perfectly done in its own right. But hey, that's why he posted his thoughts in the "unpopular opinions" thread. We could pretty much pick apart everyone's posts here if we wanted. ;)
But hey, that's why he posted his thoughts in the "unpopular opinions" thread. We could pretty much pick apart everyone's posts here if we wanted. ;)
Yeah, it was hard for me to resist responding to the "Alien is boring" comment--to me, that's like saying that Dr. Strangelove is boring and uninteresting--but I'm trying to respect the nature of the thread :lol

I still prefer Norton to Ruffalo for Banner.
I agree. I think he channels the angst and internal conflict of Banner better, even though I have major respect for Ruffalo's acting ability after Foxcatcher.
I possibly prefer Aliens too from a nostalgia standpoint but 'boring' Alien is not. The visuals, the music or lack of music where appropriate, the sets, the characters and their interactions are all standouts in why that movie is great even before the Alien shows up.

Yep, another ALIENS preferrist here but ALIEN was still pretty much perfectly done in its own right. But hey, that's why he posted his thoughts in the "unpopular opinions" thread. We could pretty much pick apart everyone's posts here if we wanted. ;)

Yeah, it was hard for me to resist responding to the "Alien is boring" comment--to me, that's like saying that Dr. Strangelove is boring and uninteresting--but I'm trying to respect the nature of the thread :lol

I agree. I think he channels the angst and internal conflict of Banner better, even though I have major respect for Ruffalo's acting ability after Foxcatcher.

Alien is just stretched too far, im not saying it is awful or badly done or there is no real craft on the sets because the sets are beautiful.

they had enough story for a movie an hour and a half long and for some reason they decided to make it two hours which i do not understand why they did that (that's what it feels like to me)
Specially with the limitations of the alien suit

the movie for me just needs better editing or have some stuff cut up. I guess my issue is just with the running time and with the editing of the movie.
a shorter version would have had a bigger impact.