Come on, the pun was right there! How could you not use can you be so ridiculous...

For sure, but still a better film than all the later ones.Prisoner of Askaban was the worst HP adaption...
Come on, the pun was right there! How could you not use can you be so ridiculous...
For sure, but still a better film than all the later ones.Prisoner of Askaban was the worst HP adaption...
any others that were better as films?
Oh...two more
The Shawshank Redemption
Who says all Stephen Kings Books turn into bad film adaptations???
The Shining
2001: A Space Odyssey
Fight Club
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
OK, just kidding on the last one. That film is a hot mess but I love the design work.
How long were the three of them out there camping in the woods? Holy crap. And she couldn't write a few more pages for a satisfying resolution to some characters? I felt worse about Dobby dying than these characters story concluding. A CG elf who I hated.
2001: A Space Odyssey .
absolutely not
Extra-dimensional quadratic sequence travel through negative space >>> LSD hippy dippy epileptic seizure
Among other things...
I don't think that even counts as exposition, because it didn't make sense to a lot of people at firstA good movie, but WAY too much exposition for the LSD crown at the end.....I always just turn it off after he goes into the Monolith.
Book or movie? I haven't seen 2010 till this day and don't quite feel like doing it any time soon, the book unfortunately follows the events of the movie and not the first novel, it was a decent sequel, but the scope in 2010 and 2061 was much smaller, they're building up to something bigger, and the characters weren't that good imo.2010>2001
Maybe unpopular?
I don't love Terminator, Alien, or Predator. I haven't seen all of the movies in each respective franchise and don't care to see the ones I missed. T1 is a great movie but I don't love the movie. I can't quote it and only watch out every few years. I actually think Terminator: Salvation is enjoyable but again I don't love it.
I have never seen nor care to see Robocop.
Why you little s...I have never seen nor care to see Robocop.
... ALL IS FORGIVEN! Go in peace.T1 is a great movie.
I don't think that even counts as exposition, because it didn't make sense to a lot of people at firstI feel Kubrick just didn't know how to interpret what Clarke depicted in that part of the movie and some others.
Book or movie? I haven't seen 2010 till this day and don't quite feel like doing it any time soon, the book unfortunately follows the events of the movie and not the first novel, it was a decent sequel, but the scope in 2010 and 2061 was much smaller, they're building up to something bigger, and the characters weren't that good imo.
I did love the epilogue of 2010, or was it 2061? The one with the Europans telling legends about their world.
Haven't read Time's Eye yet either, I'm dying to read them.