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I don't think the James Bond movies are as amazing as most make them out to be. I do like the first 3 Connery Bond films but after that I loose interest.

Hear, hear!
I also like Brosnan Bond. Mostly because I like Brosnan and don't care for Bond franchise. :lol
Roger Moore is my Bond. Cheesy ass movies, but they were fun. And were all over cable in the 80's.
Best opening song. :lecture

Damn straight.

Boba's last second of life didn't negate how cool he was every other moment on screen. Jango was still an idiot for falling on his face trying to grab Mace's lightsaber when all he had to do was shoot the unarmed Jedi instead.
Death by Jedi Master > Death by Blind Man

But to me, the dialogue and actor that played Jango gave me more than Boba just looking cool.
Boba's last second of life didn't negate how cool he was every other moment on screen.

I beg to differ :lol


Ford's comical reaction + Luke's failed kick + Boba flailing his arms while screaming + hitting the side of the ship + burping monster = :rotfl Not even Fonzie's coolness can survive that.
It was Return of the Jedi. All badasses from previous films had to be wimps in that movie (Fett, Han, Vader.) Nobody says that the JP T-Rex sucked because it went out like a ***** in JP3.
Just needs a laugh track and comedic pause for the burp.

I could actually picture exactly how that might go. Stock 80's laughter when Han hits the jetpack, then laughter again when Fett hits the barge, then the audience going "ohhh!" (like when Cliff Huxtable would open the door and be soaked with rain or something) when he got swallowed then laughter again after the burp. :lol

Boba's last words were, "What the?" :lol

Han said "what the" when the pack went off right next to him. Fett's last words were "aaaiiiee-!"
Exactly! :)

This is probably a good place to admit I didn't think KOTCS was that bad either. So that makes the PT, STID, TASM2, KOTCS and the Matrix sequels I liked. Call me a compulsive contrarian (or just a fanboy with questionable taste!)

I draw the line at Schumacher-verse Batman, however. Though I liked it at the time "because it was Batman"! And I would've liked seeing the third part in that trilogy just for curiosity's sake.

I don't care for the PT, rebooted ST movies, ASM reboots, or Matrix sequels. I like KotCS. It's probably my least favorite Indy but it's an Indy movie worth owning and rewatching nonetheless.

I do like Batman Forever. In fact, I prefer Batman Forever to Burton's entries. I just think it's more fun to watch. I also think Batman Returns is a horrible Batman movie but its a better Tim Burton movie than B89 and therefore also more fun to revisit.