Super Freak
This is probably a good place to admit I didn't think KOTCS was that bad either. So that makes the PT, STID, TASM2, KOTCS and the Matrix sequels I liked. Call me a compulsive contrarian (or just a fanboy with questionable taste!)
I draw the line at Schumacher-verse Batman, however. Though I liked it at the time "because it was Batman"! And I would've liked seeing the third part in that trilogy just for curiosity's sake.
I liked KOTCS fine. Better than parts of TOD. I also liked the Prequel Trilogy. My son watched EpIII last night ... it was really good. The Matrix Sequels weren't bad.
I suppose it could apply to several people.. Nothing I'd let get under your skin though.
Just repeat after me...
Bill Murray is a comedy God!
That wasn't too hard, was it?
Bill Murray was a comedy god. Now, eh. He had a hell of a good run with Ghostbusters, What About Bob?, and Groundhog Day. But, other than a couple of cool cameos lately in Zombieland and Parks & Rec ... he hasn't done anything really good in a decade or two.
One of the best Martin Scorsese films is The Color of Money, some of his that I put it up above are wolf of Wall Street, shutter island, the departed, gangs of New York, mean streets.
Shutter Island is extremely underrated. One of my favorite DiCaprio movies, actually.
I don't think Cruise is under-rated, he just comes across as a prat to many people.
Cruise isn't underrated. I tend to like his movies despite him.