Star Wars sucks. Its all family drama and daddy issues.
Star Wars sucks. Its all family drama and daddy issues.
I’ve felt this way for a long time and I’m glad to see I’m not alone. TG, TB, & TU is a classic and an epic one at that, but there’s something about For A Few Dollars more that is just supremely cool. The Watch Chimes have been my alarm clock for years and the way Morricone integrated an actual plot device into the score is masterful stuff. El Indio is a fantastic villain and honestly? I love the shades of Colonel Mortimer’s revenge arc far more than I do Angel Eyes looking for the gold. They play it with the perfect air of mystery and by the time you reach the crescendo, you’re hooked.I'm still kinda undecided, but I think "For a Few Dollars more" might be the best of the dollars trilogy.
This comes as a shock to us all!Captain Marvel is my favorite MCU character![]()
Agree with your opinion of The Fifth Element. I never liked it and never understood what the big deal was.The Fifth Element does not live up to its praise.
The CG on She-Hulk is impressive for a weekly sitcom...mostly.
A childhood friend of mine asked me "if I ever watched the Godfather from the beginning to the end."
I said "nope". He said, "try it again and see what you're missing!"
So I tried watching the Godfather for the second time in my life...yeah, I still think it's boring, overrated, and I don't care for it.
And yeah, yeah, yeah I know I necro posted. Sue me.![]()
Star Wars VII, VIII and IX sucks. Its all disjointed and story/character issues.
I've enjoyed it every time I've watched it. However it has bugged me that Cameron threw in entirely with this universe and hasn't directed any other films since then. I'm concerned that he might crash and burn big-time with Avatar 2 after creating possibly unreachable expectations for himself by delaying it this long and having done nothing else in between. As a big Cameron fan I don't want him to tarnish his record of great movies (his association with Terminator Dark Fate notwithstanding).James Cameron's Avatar.
This is a movie I actually find hard to gauge what the "popular" opinion is. Those that love it are very vocal and say that movie is overhated. Those that don't like it are also very vocal and say that it is overrated. For either side to say it is overrated/overhated there needs to be clear consensus to the other side but all I see is a very even split.
So, my opinion is that James Cameron's Avatar is a good sci-fi movie. Possibly even a great sci-fi movie. But, I don't know if that is an unpopular opinion or not!
The argument that it follows similar plot threads to Pocahontas and Dances With Wolves is a weak point and irrelevant for me. People will whine and moan about how it "rips off" other stories, like Pocahontas, Dances with Wolves, Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest, The Last Samurai, etc. Here's a question those decriers climb over one another to avoid; how can all those other films work, but not this one? Is there a magic limit that was reached where stories like this cease to function?
I'm excited to go to Pandora again in December.
I've enjoyed it every time I've watched it. However it has bugged me that Cameron threw in entirely with this universe and hasn't directed any other films since then. I'm concerned that he might crash and burn big-time with Avatar 2 after creating possibly unreachable expectations for himself by delaying it this long and having done nothing else in between. As a big Cameron fan I don't want him to tarnish his record of great movies (his association with Terminator Dark Fate notwithstanding).
It's a film I want to love - I've tried many times. But I just can't....Except for Peter Jackson’s LotR trilogy, very possibly my favorite film of all time is… Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Blade Runner is boring
Prey is better than Predator
Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars movie
Rogue One is a boring chore until you get to the final act
Civil War is one of the worst MCU movies
Prometheus is good
Age has nothing to do with it really, I grew up watching movies from the 70/80/90s.Some of these seem pretty baseline depending on age demographic. Are you under 40? Just curious.