1/6 Hot Toys (π‡πŽπΕŒ π’π“π”πƒπˆπŽ) - HS08 - Rebels animated series - Stormtrooper

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One exists on a computer that can easily be passed around...the other requires passion and dedication.
No doubt why the 1/6 RO stormtrooper helmet has greater fidelity, although it seems slightly softer that could be a scaling issue.
not sure how others might feel about this, but do an accurate figure of an animated show does work for me. I can only hope that Hono will do the main characters from the show. Personally they should have started with that, if a license could be worked out. I got all of the Bad Batch figures but they cannot do a Omega figure since they did accurate figures based on the actual actor not the animated figures, if you see what I mean.