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I don't get why some people are so fanatical for the movie OldBoy. It has some good fight scenes (the hallway does kick ass) but there are people who act like the story is Shakespeare.
There have been a number of other shows on during Breaking Bad's run that were/are much better.

Christopher Eccleston was a better Doctor than David Tennant.
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I really liked:

Wild Wild West (Will Smith version)
Lost In Space movie
The Avengers(movie with Uma Thurman as a great Mrs Peel)
Just like both movies, even tho they're crap and as startreky as SW fanfiction.

I enjoyed the first one initially but it kinda wore off. They just take too many liberties with the canon in the name of making it more accessible to the masses.
I enjoyed the first one initially but it kinda wore off. They just take too many liberties with the canon in the name of making it more accessible to the masses.

It's more than that. The direction is unnecessarily flashy and the script is just lazy. A cadet who's about to be kicked out of the academy and isn't supposed to be on any ship gets to take command of one, and then after returning miraculously successful (sort of) is just allowed to remain captain? Sure.
Cameron is great. :lol It seems more popular to slag him off now so I think I'm valid for the thread topic.
None of the prequels was that bad, and ROTS was in the same league as the OT.
The Resident Evil movies are pretty cool :lol
Man of Steel >>> Superman 1978
Winter Soldier is overrated and no better than any of the other sub-par Marvel Studios films (Iron Man 2, Thor, The First Avenger, Thor 2).

I enjoyed HBO shows: Eastbound & Down, Deadwood, entourage more then Game of Thrones. I gave up halfway thru season 2

I really liked:

Wild Wild West (Will Smith version)
Lost In Space movie
The Avengers(movie with Uma Thurman as a great Mrs Peel)

Michael Giachinno's Star Trek theme isn't very good. Seems to be generally liked but it just hasn't grown on me.

The Final of the Sopranos was great as it fit the characters futures just fine.

The Sopranos as a series is over rated. Good on a first viewing but after all is said and done... Meh...

Titanic deserved all of its oscars and was not overrated.

George Lucas has never been a good screenwriter even in his prime. The Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies are filled with awkward dialogue and clunky acting.

The portrayal of Jedi in the prequel series as a monastic order that forfeits family and attachments is one of the few elements that worked.

Quentin Tarrantino movies are weird.

Zach Snyder is an overgrown teenager that only cares about overblown visuals, and ruins everything he touches.

Holocaust movies are pretentious, preacy, boring, and usually just made to fish for an Oscar.

The most entertaining movies to mass audiences are the best ones. Not wierd art house crap.

The vampire diaries is actually a surprisingly awesome show.

The Last Crusade > Raiders of the Lost Ark

I agree. Last Crusade is my favorite Indy movie.

The Walking Dead is a terrible show.

Ghostbusters meh
Back to the Futures meh

Netflix Daredevil is painfully boring...
The Walking Dead is 5 seasons too long...
Chris Evans is better as Human Torch than as Cap...

DOFP is not a good movie

ALIENS isn't a good ALIEN sequel, but still an awesome movie.


"The Punisher" and PWZ were good flicks.

"The First Avenger" is on a par with "Iron Man".

"The Avengers" is a mediocre blockbuster.

"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." S01 is much better than S02.

"The Winter Soldier" is the best superhero movie to date.

"Daredevil" S01 is boring and pretencious.

"Age of Ultron" is a ****ing mess but could be great.


Snyder's "Dawn of the Dead" is ****ing terrible.

"The Walking Dead" is ****ing terrible. (first season was fine)

Star wars was great as a kid watched them again a year ago they don't hold up.
Ironman 2 actually liked it better then ironman 3 .
Captain America winter soldier IMO a terrible movie .
Walking dead yea one of worst shows on tv rather watch American idol
Batman returns awful movie never really cared for it .

Jesus, this thread is like some kind of confessional booth :lol

you're next is an awful, terrible film full of edgy ******* creating amateurish film-making and acting
Unpopular in the real world or unpopular on this site? :lol

Because I'm inclined to say "Iron Man 3 is a very well done film" but outside of this site the rest of the world (audiences and seasoned critics alike) already knows this.

But I'd definitely say that I'm not enamored with the first Avengers film and I know that it's pretty universally loved here and everywhere else. It's good, I recognize that, but it'd barely crack my Top 10 all-time cbm's, if at all. AoU is far superior.

I'll also add that I think Godzilla 2014 is the best Godzilla flick ever made, by a wide margin.

Dredd 2012, while much better than the 1995 version, is highly overrated and "pretty good" at best.