Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
DOA was an entertaining movie with some cool fights
Watchmen is one of the best Comic Book Movies
Watchmen is one of the best Comic Book Movies
Jimmy Fallon is not funny. He is annoying as hell and I hate people that just break into impressions for no reason.
Fallon is also a suck up to everyone who appears on his show. He needs to be replaced.
Watchmen is one of the best Comic Book Movies
I hate people that just break into impressions for no reason.
Not cool to be posting an obvious joke of an opinion in a thread like this, Khev.I like the AoU theatrical poster.
If I knew who this was, I would be offended. Based on name, I'm guessing a porn star? Seems like **** Cannon would be better, but maybe it was already taken.Where'd you find a black and white picture of Nick Cannon? Never knew you were a fan.
You can't put Williams in the same category as Fallon...
Fallon is a hack.
Jimmy Fallon himself isn't very funny, but most of the skits on his late night show are hilarious and a thousand times better than anything from SNL.
I like Iron Man 2. I think the raceway fight is the best fight in the series. I like Iron Man 3, too. I don't give a **** about the Mandarin and I doubt most of the people who raised hell about his "mistreatment" ever did more than a Wiki skim to see what was so offensive about it.
Terminator is better than Terminator 2.
I don't object. I only object to certain arguments against T2.
In The Mouth of Madness is one of John Carpenter's best films.