Oh, yeah! I think he's such an awesome character. He's my favorite villain along with the Joker. It's just so twisted how the Emperor treats him like his friend, but then looks to replace him every second. Although, the coolest thing is that they're honest about their feelings toward eachother, and the Emperor knows that Vader wants to replace him. I've seen a relationship like that before! I think it's a standard Sith thing, but I don't know. I want to just stick with Darth Vader for my Star Wars interests because I already have too many vices with all the good stuff out.
That's a good point. That's what I felt about them when I watched it, but then I've been hearing everyone bash it for those reasons and they started to convince me. Then again, everyone continually bashes things that make me happy as being depressing.

I didn't think Man of Steel was the greatest, but it made me happy when I saw it, and then for years, I've heard nothing but how cynical and depressing it was, and it made me sad. Kind of ironic!

My memory isn't so good when it comes to a lot of this stuff so I have to rely on others. Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes not so much.