Unpopular movie or tv show opinions

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I'd even go further - any PT film is better than Da Farce Awakens.
Even AotC.

Okay, I didn't think Force Awakens was very good but this is just ridiculous. AotC is just pure garbage. Only prequel film that as a whole is better than Force Awakens is Phantom Menace.
Okay, I didn't think Force Awakens was very good but this is just ridiculous. AotC is just pure garbage. Only prequel film that as a whole is better than Force Awakens is Phantom Menace.

I kind of agree, TPM has better characters and a better story, but it has deep plot breaking brain farts. I would have to give it to TFA, because of that, TFA may be generic and a rehash, and vanilla characters, but it's more solid on the writing.

But I also think Episode III is better.

And Episode II, although abysmal, has cooler moments than TFA. Even with the ****** CGI.

I don't know, my opinion on TFA gets lower and lower as time passes.
I really don't know what people expect to find in this thread :lol

>>go to unpopular opinions thread
>>someone says they don't like a popular movie
>>they be like...

I don't know, my opinion on TFA gets lower and lower as time passes.

I really liked it in theaters, but I feel similarly. Although, I think it was much better than the prequels.

I just think it really watered down the whole Force aspect of the series and I think too many plot points and characters were underdeveloped. Also, it was kind of depressing to think that Luke was a failure, Leia separated from Han, Han regressed back to being a scoundrel, and Vader's redemption is being tossed away since his evil spirit is living on or whatever. It also would have been nice to see the gang together. Maybe I'm off base. With Star Wars, I always feel like something must be wrong with me, since I don't see the films as masterworks like people on this site. I love The Godfather, superheroes, Lord of the Rings, and Raiders of the Lost Ark, so it's not like I'm a guy that goes against the grain.

It was a big event though and I'm glad I got swept up in the hype since it made so many people happy. I'm even more glad since it got me to check out some Dark Vader books and some of the cartoons because it showed me why fans liked the EU stuff. It made me a Darth Vader fan.
I really liked it in theaters, but I feel similarly. I think it really watered down the whole Force aspect of the series and I think too many plot points and characters were underdeveloped. Also, it was kind of depressing to think that Luke was a failure, Leia separated from Han, Han regressed back to being a scoundrel, and Vader's redemption is being tossed away since his evil spirit is living on or whatever. It also would have been nice to see the gang together. Maybe I'm off base. With Star Wars, I always feel like something must be wrong with me, since I don't see the films as masterworks like people on this site. I love The Godfather, superheroes, Lord of the Rings, and Raiders of the Lost Ark, so it's not like I'm a guy that goes against the grain.

It was a big event though and I'm glad I got swept up in the hype since it made so many people happy. I'm even more glad since it got me to check out some Dark Vader books and some of the cartoons because it showed me why fans liked the EU stuff.

I don't know if I'd take that Vader's Spirit living on thing to heart, it's just fan speculation.
I really don't know what people expect to find in this thread :lol

>>go to unpopular opinions thread
>>someone says they don't like a popular movie
>>they be like...


Oh please, threads like this are just asking (and probably made) for controversy. What did YOU expect?:wink1:
Oh, okay! Even if it is the case, it might turn out great! I'm now a Vader fan, so I'm going to see it through.

Vader's a great one to be a fan of.

As for the other points about the OT characters, I think it just makes them more human, more relatable, more real. Nobody is perfect, even someone who might be seen as a hero.
Oh please, threads like this are just asking (and probably made) for controversy.
Not at all, I've seen countless of these threads and the point of it is to discuss the opinions without appealing to popularity or any of the other logical fallacies that having a popular opinion can carry.

The point of it is exactly the opposite than causing controversy.

If you want to cause controversy you state your unpopular opinion in a popular movie thread...

What did YOU expect?:wink1:
idk.... Unpopular opinions maybe? Something that seems to have surprised you :lol
Vader's a great one to be a fan of.

As for the other points about the OT characters, I think it just makes them more human, more relatable, more real. Nobody is perfect, even someone who might be seen as a hero.

Oh, yeah! I think he's such an awesome character. He's my favorite villain along with the Joker. It's just so twisted how the Emperor treats him like his friend, but then looks to replace him every second. Although, the coolest thing is that they're honest about their feelings toward eachother, and the Emperor knows that Vader wants to replace him. I've seen a relationship like that before! I think it's a standard Sith thing, but I don't know. I want to just stick with Darth Vader for my Star Wars interests because I already have too many vices with all the good stuff out. :lol

That's a good point. That's what I felt about them when I watched it, but then I've been hearing everyone bash it for those reasons and they started to convince me. Then again, everyone continually bashes things that make me happy as being depressing. :lol I didn't think Man of Steel was the greatest, but it made me happy when I saw it, and then for years, I've heard nothing but how cynical and depressing it was, and it made me sad. Kind of ironic! :lol My memory isn't so good when it comes to a lot of this stuff so I have to rely on others. Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes not so much.
Not at all, I've seen countless of these threads and the point of it is to discuss the opinions without appealing to popularity or any of the other logical fallacies that having a popular opinion can carry.

The point of it is exactly the opposite than causing controversy.

If you want to cause controversy you state your unpopular opinion in a popular movie thread...

idk.... Unpopular opinions maybe? Something that seems to have surprised you :lol

I guess what I'm trying to say is that those who didn't like The Force Awakens are wrong and stupid:monkey3
Oh, yeah! I think he's such an awesome character. He's my favorite villain along with the Joker. It's just so twisted how the Emperor treats him like his friend, but then looks to replace him every second. Although, the coolest thing is that they're honest about their feelings toward eachother, and the Emperor knows that Vader wants to replace him. I've seen a relationship like that before! I think it's a standard Sith thing, but I don't know. I want to just stick with Darth Vader for my Star Wars interests because I already have too many vices with all the good stuff out. :lol

That's a good point. That's what I felt about them when I watched it, but then I've been hearing everyone bash it for those reasons and they started to convince me. Then again, everyone continually bashes things that make me happy as being depressing. :lol I didn't think Man of Steel was the greatest, but it made me happy when I saw it, and then for years, I've heard nothing but how cynical and depressing it was, and it made me sad. Kind of ironic! :lol My memory isn't so good when it comes to a lot of this stuff so I have to rely on others. Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes not so much.

I wouldn't take it too much to heart, what you like is what you like, don't let anybody sour it on you. I've been coming here for years, and I don't think anybody else's opinion has ever made me dislike something I already liked. There have been a few times where I gave a film a second chance and ended up liking it more because of the people on this board wouldn't stop talking about it.
Oh please, threads like this are just asking (and probably made) for controversy. What did YOU expect?:wink1:

It was all going fine until the board's angry kid let Riddick play him like a shrift shop banjo :lol
TFA was just not good to me, though I did enjoy Finn and Rey, and Han and Chewie.

But AotC is in no way better......it's just....it's the black sheep of the entire franchise.

Ep 3 is terrible to me save for the Mustafar fight and the suiting up parts. But I'd say it's at most on par with TFA.

TPM is the only jewel of the prequels IMO. I used to dislike TPM (mostly because bandwagon) and I liked the other two (especially 3) a lot, but then one day I woke up and smelled the coffee. Best in the franchise for me is 1,5, and 6.
What do you think of the usual plot holes? Like no one checking if Queen Amidala's claims about the blockade were true and stuff like that?

I love TPM a LOT, but I can't justify that stuff.