Unpopular movie or tv show opinions

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What if the stuff that they left out from the Hobbit book was better than the stuff that they added? :nana: :monkey3

Hey, just 'cause Radagast was a throwaway line the book don't mean he can't be fleshed out to play a pivotal role in the movie :mad:
No one needs to watch films in a certain sequence in order for their brains to tell them what was well made or not.

But they do need to if they're gonna avoid having their opinion colored by OT nostalgia, which is THE main factor in PT hate. (Admit it, the hatred wouldn't be so intense if the prequels were compared to anything other than the OT)

But you don't see that with the PT. Nobody disagrees with what was told but still respects how it was told because the execution was crap.

Nobody? I for one forgave the execution because I thought the story and concepts were sound.

Anakin as a 10 year old? Dumb idea.

Not if you're trying to show the transition from total innocence to total corruption. There's a rationale for every decision, whether you agree with it or not.
Not if you're trying to show the transition from total innocence to total corruption. There's a rationale for every decision, whether you agree with it or not.

I could get behind that idea, if they didn't cast the most annoying child in the history of the planet Earth.
I could get behind that idea, if they didn't cast the most annoying child in the history of the planet Earth.

:lol I can't stand him. I can forgive Jake Lloyd because he's a little kid and most little kid actors annoy me so that was expected.
But they do need to if they're gonna avoid having their opinion colored by OT nostalgia, which is THE main factor in PT hate. (Admit it, the hatred wouldn't be so intense if the prequels were compared to anything other than the OT)

OT nostalgia might be why some people are so venomous against the PT but it certainly isn't the reason the films are disliked in the first place. If they had no connection to the OT then they'd just be another Lost in Space or Wild Wild West. Awful movies that no one really gets worked up about because no one gives them the time of day.

But the whole "OT nostalgia" really is just a scapegoat that PT lovers like use to validate the prequels. The truth is that if someone watches the two completed Star Wars trilogies in episodic order (I-VI) they don't have any kind of grand perspective on all six films because they never got to see the original movies at all. "Oh you mean the original theatrical releases?" No. I mean Star Wars itself (whether you want to call it SW, ANH, or "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.") Guys like WWEJedi literally don't know what that movie is. Because if you watch it as a continuation of the prequels you are literally watching a different film. It's a tainted film. Different. Not one "free from nostalgia," no it's literally a different movie.

And of course THAT movie is suckier and more in line with the prequels and that can be a really confusing thing for someone who doesn't understand.

Because when we all watched Star Wars in 1977 and the door to the Blockade Runner blew open and the Stormtroopers came marching through we saw this imposing figure in black step through the smoke and unanimously thought, "wow, what a badass." But someone who watches the PT first will see him entering the Blockade Runner and will just think, "oh here's P***y Boy again." And then they go watch this new trilogy about the redemption of P***y Boy and they don't see why the story is supposedly so much better than the PT. Because their whole paradigm for viewing the films is ****ed up.

It has nothing to do with nostalgia. At all. It's some of us watching the OT and viewing one set of characters and others watching the OT with prequelized versions of those characters and having a completely different viewing experience. You never hear anyone say "I watched ROTJ first so ANH and ESB are lame. I guess I'm just too nostalgic for ROTJ." You never hear that because you *can* watch films out of order and appreciate them if they're good. But the prequels aren't. They just weren't well done on so many levels.

Nobody? I for one forgave the execution because I thought the story and concepts were sound.

"Forgave?" :lol Forgiving the execution isn't respecting it, which is what I was talking about.

Not if you're trying to show the transition from total innocence to total corruption. There's a rationale for every decision, whether you agree with it or not.

You don't need to show someone at age 10 to have a proper transition from innocence to corruption. If the sequel trilogy ends with Rey turning evil and becoming horribly scarred it will be much more heartbreaking than what we saw in the PT and we didn't need an entire movie showing her running around Jakku as a kid.
Jake Lloyd was fine, you have future Oscar winning actors in that movie that couldn't salvage that horrible dialogue they were given.

It's funny though, Episode 7 felt so bland to me I'm actually now a fan of the prequels. I still think Episode 2 is horrible though, but I respect how different they are and how much they broadened the universe.

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Damn, you're building up a RICO case against me :lol

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If the PT can't be lumped with the OT, then neither can the NT.

And peps shouldn't have to defend their 'Unpopular movie or tv show opinions'
If the PT can't be lumped with the OT, then neither can the NT.

Sure it can. See: SW/ESB/ROTJ/TFA. There. Done. It wasn't that hard. :lol People can lump together or dismiss any movies they want.

And peps shouldn't have to defend their 'Unpopular movie or tv show opinions'

Prime Clone wasn't defending his specific take on the PT. We were discussing whether or not people who watch the films in a certain order have a more "objective" perspective or not. I certainly don't care if AOTC is to him what Genisys is to me.
"Forgave?" :lol Forgiving the execution isn't respecting it, which is what I was talking about.

Didn't you "forgive" Cameron's plot point because of the execution? Can't it work the other way too?

Funnily enough, the reason I liked the prequels is the reason others hate them - cos they're Star Wars. I liked them cos they were expanding the SW saga, others hated them because they were too different to the originals.

For me the compromise TFA had to make in recapturing the spirit of the OT was to essentially be a remake. The challenge with Ep VIII will be to maintain the spirit while doing something different. At least now that the heroes and their chemistry are established, it should be easier.
PT has bad acting, bad scripts, badness all around- even the great CGI is ruined by extreme overuse
Didn't you "forgive" Cameron's plot point because of the execution? Can't it work the other way too?

Sure it can. It's just not what I was talking about. :) My point was that no one respects the execution of the PT. Now whether any of us choose to "forgive" the crappy execution is another matter entirely. ROTJ is a movie that has it's share of poorly executed moments but I have no problem forgiving them.

And believe it or not I do get "wanting" to like the prequels. I've tried many times over the years, sometimes even convincing myself that they weren't that bad. But watching someone other than Lucas come in and show right out of the gate how awesome a SW movie could be again really sealed the PT's fate for me.
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My point was that no one respects the execution of the PT.

Maybe not some of the directing, acting or dialogue, but there are aspects that deserve respect (the "rhyming" approach, for instance, and the designs).

And we can still respect the PT overall. Well, some of us can. And the new directors have no choice. But the inclusion of PT elements in the NT doesn't have to stop prequel deniers from denying.