Well...I finally received this amazing creation. The Sideshow Uruk-Hai Berserker PF Exclusive is definately a Scuplt that is definately Museum quality. I could easily see this in a Museum next to other Sculptures worth 10 times what this is worth. I paid a hefty amount which included shipping ordering from Spain. Both me and the seller called up and got quotes and this was the best deal especially considering it only took 2 working days to be delivered to me bright and early in the morning.

I am happy with that but do not think I could have paid any higher...and of course there are still several of these PF's on EBay for close to $4000.00 Plus this sculpt came to me in brand new condition never opened with the factory seal and everything still un-broken. I have been trying to get a hold of this PF for quite a while now and lost out on 3 EBay auctions where each time I lost out on the bids by only about $40.00 ...each of those EBay auctions started around $900.00 and ended anywhere from $1200.00 all the way up to well over $2000.00...the only one that sold for a really awesome price is actually a member here "Kratos" that he ended up winning and bro I am happy for you...again that was a sick deal. I ended up not bidding on him because I did not have the funds and would not have had them in time to make the payment. So yes the amount I paid is a high price (Thank you DinoDB1975 for the advice on deleting the amount I paid...just what I need is a bunch of flamers to ruin my high,lol) but one that I am happy with especially after seeing this work of beauty in person...so I guess I am now definately considered a freak when it comes to this beloved hobby.
I give this PF an easy 10 out of 10. I cannot find one flaw I love the heaviness of him and also the huge Sword thingy that is actually made out of metal...that thing could be used as a real weapon, lol. Right now everytime I look at this Sculpt I feel a nice release of Endorphins which calm me and just make me feel like a happy kid on Christmas.
I am sure any other owners of this piece can agree with me. Here are some pictures although everyone has seen numerous amounts of pictures on this guy by now but anyway:
Also...unlike my "Templar's Verdict" this one has no scuffs to be found anywhere not even the face here is the close ups to prove it,
...and just a couple pictures for fun:
So now I can relax and start saving up for when the new Sideshow Sauron PF comes out. I will also be owning the Sideshow Wringraith Ex and Dark Rider of Mordor Ex once those become available so I must say that I even for a late starter in this hobby of collecting I will be off to an awesome start as far as Sideshow's "the Lord of the Rings" line goes. I may also be purchasing Weta's "Orthanc Black Tower of Isengard" as well as
Weta's "Barad Dur" once that becomes available for Pre-order.
Ah yes my room will be such an escape to walk into I need to get some decent display cases...as of now I have a few nice wooden display tables I found at second hand stores and these Sculpts are looking really beautiful on them...however with a display case I could have some nice fleuroscent lights that would bring the details just that much more to life.
So again I am super excited to have this Sculpt finally...I am glad I decided to make the step up from Hot Toys 1:6 figures to the larger PF's...there is no comparison between the two these are true Sculpts.