Uruk Hai PF- Sold out, waitlist available.

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Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

The es shows good things are to come!:D

Yeah, as long the next PF is done as well as this one, or the MO and Aragorn. If it's another poor choice or execution like Galadriel we'll be right back to square one.
Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

Yeah, as long the next PF is done as well as this one, or the MO and Aragorn. If it's another poor choice or execution like Galadriel we'll be right back to square one.

Did you ever decide if you were going to pick Galadriel up woodsy?
Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

The potential has always been there, all it took was character choice and the proper implementation

The formula really isn't that hard --- and it wouldn't have been for the 1/6 line either. :sick

The difference is really in the engineering. It would be really really difficult for a company like sideshow to put out a really good 1/6 scale figure of the beserker. The body is almost entirely on display, so you can't hide anything. Hot Toys could probably pull it off with their muscle body, but it would still be tricky. For a PF, though, this kind of figure is actually much easier, since you don't have to tailor any clothing to speak of -- it's almost all sculpted.
Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

The difference is really in the engineering. It would be really really difficult for a company like sideshow to put out a really good 1/6 scale figure of the beserker. The body is almost entirely on display, so you can't hide anything. Hot Toys could probably pull it off with their muscle body, but it would still be tricky. For a PF, though, this kind of figure is actually much easier, since you don't have to tailor any clothing to speak of -- it's almost all sculpted.

Oh I understand that, buuuut the baddies do sell better; i.e. Saruman over Faramir.

Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

Oh I understand that, buuuut the baddies do sell better; i.e. Saruman over Faramir.


Yea Saruman > Faramir

I wonder if we will get another PF before the end of the year? :D
Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

Did you ever decide if you were going to pick Galadriel up woodsy?

Not really, if I can get a really good deal on one I might be persuaded. Unfortunately to get the best out of this piece a facial or partial facial re-paint is required, and I don't know if the time and addition expense is worth it. It doesn't help that I was never a big fan of Galadriel in the first place.
Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

sup' buddy! how you doing? moriac orc is almost here and shaite!

Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

Actually, he's a beauty in that race during those era :joy

Not to bad bud can't wait to see pics of your Moria Orc :rock
But by God they are an Ugly Race :horror
Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

So I'm wondering when will we get a back stage pass for this fearsome Uruk-Hai?
Re: Uruk Hai PF- NOW Available, link to buy in 1st Post.

sideshow release pics of the berserker PF


as you can see, it differs from the preview photos :lol