The USPS, in all its infinite wisdom, has decided to start calculating domestic Priority Mail rates for all boxes larger than 1 cubic foot (pretty much anything larger than 12 x 12 x 12) by dimensional weight. This impacts all shipments leaving our warehouse after May 14, 2007.
Any box that is more than 1728 cubic inches is now subject to a bloated, non consumer-friendly calculation that basically jacks up the weight of your packages to an artificial "balloon" rate.
For example:
* If you order four action figures that we have to pack in a 14 x 14 x 12, the old rate would have typically run you about $11-$13 (for an approximately 4-5 pound box.)
*The NEW rate system requires us to apply the following calculation to this box (because it is bigger than 1 cubic foot): 14 x 14 x 12 = 2352 cubic inches x .785 (the rectangular box adjustment factor) = 1846.32, which is then divided by 194 (Why 194? We do not really know), which equals 9.157 pounds. By USPS standards, this is rounded up to 10 pounds (about $24-$27 to the East Coast from here.)
* YES, you read that correctly. Your 4-5 pound box is now a 10 pound box per their new calculation system. A box that is 2 inches wider and 2 inches longer is now going to cost you more than twice the old rate! WOW! That's good stuff!
i just read this and thought all you guys who dont know about this should!!
i got this from CSC!