Super Freak
I hate when it's so hot you gotta kick the covers off
It is kinda warm today
Yeah about time we got some hot weather in England funny thing with us guys is we moan when it's too cold and moan even more when it's hot
that's cause it's never the perfect balance we're either wanting it to be a little warmer and it goes full on microwave hot or we want a little colder and we get a blizzard
F Summer. Worst season ever.
F Summer. Worst season ever.
F U Summer. And F U caca sun
F U Summer. And F U caca sun
:emperor :emperor
it's too hot for me today, got all the windows open and the fan on, but I'm still hot. phew..
And theres lots of barbeques going on as well, so the air smells like burger grease and charcoal.
432. King Darkness F U SUN!!!!!
431. Kabukiman F U SUN!
I love that picture
no i dont watch bones ill see if i can find it on youtube
my dog after his walk
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I hate when it's so hot you gotta kick the covers off
blech, i'm out chopping wood today. it stinks. someone make a puking emoticon.