I'll just drop this here.....
A quick pic since I got him today. Huge thanks to Steph and Glenn for this figure, i couldn't put him down During my limited free time today since he looks amazing in hand. Makes my SS ESB/ROTJ version looks like crap now. He's using the SS cape atm, since the one that came with him has a broken chain, but damn, he looks pretty much spot on for the iconic 'join me' posecan't wait to get battery tomorrow for him
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Thank you for you input , duly noted. For the lenses we've gone with what we see , not what we knowJust a note: the 20th C helmet is WAY undersized compared to the really high end Vader helmets, so is really no basis for measurement reference.
As a point of interest: what color are the HT lenses? The real ANH was not red.
Steph, can Glenn give me any advice on how to make the dome sit well on the sideshow head? No matter what I do I can't get it to look right.