We are back, at long last after the completely mental and heartbreaking time me and Mrs H have been through she has now sadly moved out of our home, NOT for 'break up' purposes but for the unfortunate loss of her job and Vestas blades UK, so we ve had to wedge two full rooms of my crap into one room which i now eat sleep, share with the cats and make the figures in...and as some of you have seen im not the tidiest of people , anyway, im back on the ball, lonely, especially at night

,anyway heres Blakes long overdue Vader, built on a HT pred 2 body which gotta say is pretty marvellous ,the ankles offer great movement which i know been questioned with the upcoming SSc Vader,anyway, new body, new electronics, new helmet details, new sculpt, (shrunk hasbro Seb Shaw using acetone, casted and resculpted for a better (i hope) evil look Anakin ,the internals include some of the brass etched details created for Mooncats ROTS vader. The body offers alot of good qualities, nice bulk even tho it had to be slimmed down a bit, the wrists are especially nice ,on the whole very happy with this one, the body also after extensive dremel work takes the new voice speaker/circuit board,light circuits,saber invertor, one 9 volt battery and two sets of two Cr2032 lithium button cells, one set are in his butt

Ive also created a new left hand for the reaching out to Luke in the bespin duel scene. im hoping the headsculpts gonna go down well lmk your thoughts..
the crammed full body during building
head sculpt and revised internals including smaller machined microphones.