You honestly think the reg head is better than the ex head?
...I do agree that the regular head is more iconic for me. I will probably display her with the regular head for the most time and switch out the EX head during October or something, to be different.
The Regular head looks like she is giving you the Fu-- Me eyes! The EX head looks like shes being pleased! both heads look good to me. I just hope i have a chance to get an EX so i can change them as i feel.
The regular head on the comiquette is kinda toonish (not like the Elvira or Emma Frost PF's), but it's all in her eyes. The exculsive head eliminates that because her eyes are closed, and the statue becomes another beast altogether.
The regular com head does. The exclusive doesn't.
Overall though, yeah, I like the PF much more. Part of that is the fact that it's mixed media, but the face is much more interesting. It's not trapped in a cute, t&a comic style.