yeah, a bit early on that one i think.
"get yours now before its to late."
yeah, a bit early on that one i think.
"get yours now before its to late."
Definitely, and back in the day I never used to worry about being on the WL for that reason.
But I am not sure if you know or not that SS has been cancelling all but a couple of WL reservations on Rogue, Skaar, Joker and Vampirella Ex PF's months before they ship. You can't get a conversion because of the reasons you listed cos your order doesn't exist. It is either a Reg order or secondary market.![]()
That's how I see it too nam, however the email I received states that they will be closing the waitlist soon and will be canceling my order. My order however will stay active for the mean time they said. Then they go on to say to jump on th reg Vamp and that they are sorry they couldn't help me acquire the EX.
Seems a little premature as this piece could take as long as June to come out since it's 2nd quarter. And that's without any possible delays.
Jason had a considerably smaller ES, was more in demand, and we saw a few conversions despite that.
All the Wait List emails say that. It's a stock email to get you to buy the regular.
Normally but I am almost positive that people's WL were actually being closed a couple months ahead of time with Rogue, not the standard BS email trying to get you to buy the regular. I thought I remember a bunch of people _____ing about that. I think it might be a new trend.
Just had to cancel mine so maybe some lucky punter here may be able to get his/her hands on her.
why sO....
Just got my flexpay schedule. I did not realize this was 4 payments instead of three. Oh well.
Just got my flexpay schedule. I did not realize this was 4 payments instead of three. Oh well.
that's not particularly a bad thing lol