Hi Jerry,
I am a LOTR fan from Singapore, I have bought your first LOTR set of 3 glicees some time ago and ALL the other LOTR prints. Words cannot being to describe your talent in capturing the essence for each piece of artwork you created.

I am considering NOT to start collecting anything that is related to Hobbit, as it will be a 30,000 dollars commitment by the time the 3 movies end, but I am afraid your Artwork, I cannot decide if its in a good or bad way, has begin to make me reconsider starting the collection because ...
How I wish this would be the movie poster instead..
Anyway, after knowing your annoucement that you will be producing only ten pieces of your Canvass print, I knew I will perhaps never get to see it in person... but perhaps one day...who knows.
Just out of curiosity, I wish to ask this:
May I know what medium will you be using to paint on the canvass? Is each piece hand-drawn by you? I am sorry if its sound like a silly question, but I have little background in art. My main interest lies in knowing if it can be easily maintained in a hot and humid climate in the South East, like Singapore.
In any case, I will go for the cheaper alternative of paper glicee, I will not let go to hang a piece of your materpiece in my bedroom... watching it while listening to the soundtrack is really, really enjoyable..
Thank you once again for bring such magnificent artwork to all of us!