Super Freak
Everytime something comes out with a lot of hype around it, people say it sucks when it's pre-viewed. However, how many times do those same people end up paying double for it, when it sells out. Wait for it to actually be released, then see it in person, and then make a decision. I think the eyes may look a bit off, but I'm sure they will look fantastic in the finished product. The detail will be amazing, and it's over 2 feet tall. I really don't think this will not be a hot piece. I also think the price tag pisses people off who can't afford it, which is common right now in America. I am writing this post for the people who can afford it, and are Venom fans. Don't let the nay sayers sway your decision to buy it. It will sell out, and it will be worth every penny. Beware: I take all of this back if it has any paint flaws what so ever. They better get it right for this price, and not pretend it's battle damage.
I don't know about this piece becoming difficult to acquire if it sells out... for starter's there's already a Venom 1:1 bust. Remember when Iron Man statues used to be hot? When the comiquette (Stealth and red/gold) used to command steep prices? All the Iron Man stuff available today makes it a little more difficult for those prices to stay high.
It's a little difficult to sell pieces at twice their prices these days; not even Olivetti's Punisher consistently sells for double, if at all. I'm refering to anything released in the last couple years or so. Sure, there'll be outliers that sell at high prices (Thor PF, for instance), but most of the pieces that command premium prices are the ones SS released early on in the PF/Comiquette/Dio lifecycle. Hulk, Cap, Spider-Man, X-Men v Sentinel Dio etc.
One differentiator between those older pieces and what we see today is that they had much fewer paint flaws and most of us were happy with what we got. This is not a question of earlier collectors becoming finicky over time, the newer statues arguably miss some of that QC that the older ones have.
Also, and this is just personally speaking, the increased use of fibreglass instead of polystone means lighter statues; and ligher/hollow statues make me reluctant or completely unwilling to see any added value...
Of course there's also something we all can't neglect: the more statues being released, the less unique this hobby becomes. Like it or not, we're not as niche as we once were. I don't know if that's good or bad, but the overall quantity increase may contribute to driving prices down in the secondary market. This 2nd 1:1 Venom bust may just have driven down the value of the original. I guess time will tell