wow ! you have a lot of gaming to do.
If I put my list here it'd fill 3 pages

wow ! you have a lot of gaming to do.
From my decades of experience, the list will just keep getting longer and longer until you are overwhelmed by it by just simply looking at the list.
My advise is choose the games that you really want to play, and if you lost interest in it because you felt it's not the game for you just remove it from the list.
5 games a year should be a healthy progress. Don't forget there's so many games released way before you started gaming, like those Snes, MSX, PS1, Commodore, PCE, Sega CD, Dos games.
Solidsnakes backlog list is already overwhelming lol Yours is too potato lol
Since "The Last OF Us" came out, it just makes the rest of the list look null and void and should just be erased from mind and left in the past. Clean slate!
Last of Us is possibly one of the best games period and that seems to be consensus here on the forums too.
I will beat all games on that list.
Last of us is my present game.
My backlog list is goes.
Darksiders 2 Done! 1/9/13
DMC Devil May Cry (2013) Done! 1/21/13
Dead Space 3 Done! 2/18/13
Lollipop chainsaw (40%)
Assassin creed 2
Assassin creed brotherhood
Assassin creed Revelations
Assassin creed 3
Black Ops 2 campaign
Transformers FoC Done! 3/8/13
Sniper Elite V2
Zelda twilight Princess (50%)
Zelda Skyward sword
Zelda Oot 3DS
Zelda A link to the past Snes
Sleeping Dogs
The walking Dead
Pokemon fire red Currently playing when @ work.
Resident Evil 6
Alice Madness returns
Ninja Gaiden 3
Tomb Raider underworld
Max payne 3
Shadow of the Damned
L.A. Norie complete Ed.
Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare
Hitman Absolution
Far Cry 3
Updated addon list
Metroid Other M
Mario Galaxy 2
castlevania: SOTN
Borderlands 1
Marvel ultimate alliance
Marvel ultimate alliance 2
Uncharted 3 Done! 7/9/13
Gears of war: Judgement Done! 3/21/13
God of War: Ascension
Bioshock Infinite
Tomb Raider (2013)Done! 3/18/13
I will beat all games on that list.
Last of us is my present game.
Me personally, after playing Last of Us, would just cancel those old games and move on. Most don't even look that great or MUST play games. I dunno. Just my two cents.
Before you know it, Beyond Two Souls will be here soon and GTA V,and new consoles around the corner.
I assume you haven't played or beat Last of Us, because you haven't mentioned it, or made a review video yet.
I know you're busy though.
My backlog list is goes.
Darksiders 2 Done! 1/9/13
DMC Devil May Cry (2013) Done! 1/21/13
Dead Space 3 Done! 2/18/13
Lollipop chainsaw (40%)
Assassin creed 2
Assassin creed brotherhood
Assassin creed Revelations
Assassin creed 3
Black Ops 2 campaign
Transformers FoC Done! 3/8/13
Sniper Elite V2
Zelda twilight Princess (50%)
Zelda Skyward sword
Zelda Oot 3DS
Zelda A link to the past SNES
Sleeping Dogs
The walking Dead
Pokemon fire red Currently playing when @ work.
Resident Evil 6
Alice Madness returns
Ninja Gaiden 3
Tomb Raider underworld
Max payne 3
Shadow of the Damned
L.A. Norie complete Ed.
Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare
Hitman Absolution
Far Cry 3
Updated addon list
Chrono Trigger NDS
Final fantasy III aka FF6 SNES
Castlevania 4 SNES
Super Metroid SNES
Metroid Other M
Mario Galaxy 2
Castlevania: SOTN
Castkevania: Rondo of Blood
Borderlands 1
Marvel ultimate alliance
Marvel ultimate alliance 2
Uncharted 3 Done! 7/9/13
Gears of war: Judgement Done! 3/21/13
God of War: Ascension Done! 8/6/13
Bioshock Infinite
Tomb Raider (2013)Done! 3/18/13