Super Freak
Portal 2 done ! starting Tomb Raider tomorrow.
I cant wait.
I cant wait.
Portal 2 done ! starting Tomb Raider tomorrow.
I cant wait.
Hell yeah!
Get it done before BIOSHOCK infinite!!
And get WItcher 2 done sometime before Witcher 3!!!!
yeaa once all the big titles stop for a bit I need to start witcher 2.
Just finished it yesterday![]()
My backlog list is goes.
Darksiders 2 Done! 1/9/13
DMC Devil May Cry (2013) Done! 1/21/13
Dead Space 3 Done! 2/18/13
Lollipop chainsaw (40%)
Assassin creed 2
Assassin creed brotherhood
Assassin creed Revelations
Assassin creed 3
Black Ops 2 campaign
Transformers FoC Done! 3/8/13
Sniper Elite V2
Zelda twilight Princess (50%)
Zelda Skyward sword
Zelda Oot 3DS
Zelda A link to the past Snes
Sleeping Dogs
The walking Dead
Pokemon fire red Currently playing when @ work.
Resident Evil 6
Alice Madness returns
Ninja Gaiden 3
Tomb Raider underworld
Max payne 3
Shadow of the Damned
L.A. Norie complete Ed.
Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare
Hitman Absolution
Far Cry 3
My plan is to get to these before the year is out plus the new releases...and work, and cont. dating, doing my father bid with my lovely daughter, breathe air, sleep, etc etc etc lol
Updated addon list
Metroid Other M
Mario Galaxy 2
castlevania: SOTN
Borderlands 1
Marvel ultimate alliance
Marvel ultimate alliance 2
Uncharted 3
Metal gear Rising Revengeance
Tomb Raider (2013)
And how did you like Witcher 2? Visuals and story?
I have a feeling that sniper game is crap. Haven't seen reviews on it, and the first game didn't get amazing reviews.
Average at best.
Doesn't seem worth it Ray! lol
Another guy on his youtube review gave it 6/10
Play Witcher2 or wait for Bioshock! lol
My backlog list is goes.
Darksiders 2 Done! 1/9/13
DMC Devil May Cry (2013) Done! 1/21/13
Dead Space 3 Done! 2/18/13
Lollipop chainsaw (40%)
Assassin creed 2
Assassin creed brotherhood
Assassin creed Revelations
Assassin creed 3
Black Ops 2 campaign
Transformers FoC Done! 3/8/13
Sniper Elite V2
Zelda twilight Princess (50%)
Zelda Skyward sword
Zelda Oot 3DS
Zelda A link to the past Snes
Sleeping Dogs
The walking Dead
Pokemon fire red Currently playing when @ work.
Resident Evil 6
Alice Madness returns
Ninja Gaiden 3
Tomb Raider underworld
Max payne 3
Shadow of the Damned
L.A. Norie complete Ed.
Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare
Hitman Absolution
Far Cry 3
My plan is to get to these before the year is out plus some of the new releases.
Updated addon list
Metroid Other M
Mario Galaxy 2
castlevania: SOTN
Borderlands 1
Marvel ultimate alliance
Marvel ultimate alliance 2
Uncharted 3
Gears of war: Judgement
God of War: Ascension
Bioshock Infinite
Tomb Raider (2013)Done! 3/18/13