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I FINALLY GOT AN X-BOX 360!!!!!!!!! :rock

Please add me as your friend, I'll be happy to play Gears of War (and GOW2 when it is out) with you all! I do have some experience playing with my brother.

X-Box Live
BARD00N (The '0' are ZEROS, NOT 'O's as in "Oh")

Playstation Network

I couldn't believe 'Bardoon' was taken on X-Box Live, oh well.
Hi there guys, had a 360 for 2 years, and finally pulled my finger out and signed up for Live Gold Baby! - XBox Live: creature1971 and for the Playstation Network, it's the same..
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I changed mine to The Tetsujin (with the space)

Tetsujin loosely translated from Japanese means "Iron Man". :rock