took pics of my blackstar heroes
klone, balkar, john blackstar
The collection is huge but it seems cluttered. They are displayed nice but once you get that many figures it just starts to look cluttered almost no matter how you display them
I think Trek really edges out Star Wars, any mature Sci-Fi fan of both series should agree.
Is that Galactiboy I see in the far back dressed in his red shirt outfit from Halloween a couple years ago?
Crap, I've been found out
I tend to look at Star Trek and Star Wars like apples and oranges... they're really too different to make a fair comparison.
I had a couple when I was younger... they were one of the last toys I actually bought to play with. But honestly as I got older they were a series I never really cared for.
I do have the Galoob STNG series though and plan to pick up some of the Mego and Ertl figures from the first 3 films.
Yeah, would have been great if the series had continued. But I dig the style of the figures and its pretty cheap to get a full set of them.
Isn't one or two of them super-rare and expensive? Or maybe WAS expensive... Seems like Star Trek just isn't that popular these days.
I think there were 2 unproduced figures, but some people have examples of it. One was Weshley Crusher and the other might have been a Klingon? Oh, and I think there is a variant of Data that was valuable at one time, but seems to sell for about the same as the other figures.
The aliens have a bit more value, but pretty neglible.
You might be thinking of Mego's ST:TMP figures. The second series is all aliens and fairly hard to come by, or at least harder than the first series.