OT Preferist
Nice work Mfoga... with six figures left you're certainly in the home stretch
Love the finished sig Waller... looks badass
Love the finished sig Waller... looks badass
But hey. What I have left is cheaper than a few Hot Toys figures.
yea, and if you stack 4 on top on each other that is about the size of a hot toys figure.............
there's always a way to justify things waller.............
And I did recently cancel about $1500 worth of preorders.
Off today?
No, I just work out with my boss at lunch... I feel like my arms are about to fall off.
I really need to work out. I was doing a couple miles a day on my stationary bike before SDCC and vacation, but haven't done crap since I got back.
I would love to get back to my high school weight, but I think that'll never happen. So I'll shoot for wedding weight.
You don't look like you have much that you could even loose, dude! Just cut back on the beer.
BTW, I picked up a 6 pack of Guinness Black Lager last night. Have you seen it? I was unimpressed.
The way some of these figures have been stored in attics and basements, there's no doubt the tape and glue is going to weaken on quite a few of them.
Definitely need to cut back on the beer. I've actually been leaning towards wine lately since my wife and I can drink that together. Plus you can already feel good after a glass or two.
I haven't seen that one yet and I try to look for new beers to try so I can save the cap. I've tried hundreds of different beers and have a couple binders full of caps. I always felt Houston should get a better supply of different beers, but I think a lot doesn't come down this far south.
I get into wine here and there but after a few glasses I not only get a nice buzz but I also get tired. If I go with a nice light red and stay away from the Cabs and Merlot I do okay, otherwise I'll have the wife asking "did you pass out on the couch last night? How much did you drink!"