OT Preferist
A few vintage pick-ups today: 4 Mego Star Trek figures and the die cast Imperial Cruiser:
A few vintage pick-ups today: 4 Mego Star Trek figures and the die cast Imperial Cruiser:
I may get some of those vintage diecast ships when I'm done with the figures.
Wow, the sculpts on these are quite nice, especially when you consider how old they are. Much, much better than the Kenner SW likenesses.
Nice haul, there.
They are surprisingly well done... I'm always impressed when you can actually recognize a face on a 3 3/4" figure.[/IMG]
The dwarves are not Dakins, but made around the same time.
I've always liked the die cast series... and not too much there to get crazy with when it comes to a collection. I also have the Falcon, but it has a small chip of plastic missing out of it.
Already time to update my signature.
What are you bashing him into?
BTW, some sad news for me today... Krang fell over and took out a number of figures with him. All survived except my Power Lords Arkus figure suffered a broken foot
Spill it!
BTW, some sad news for me today... Krang fell over and took out a number of figures with him. All survived except my Power Lords Arkus figure suffered a broken foot
Yikes... is that going to be pricey to replace?
Poncho Leia, Lumat and Paploo.
Stupid Krang. Always was a troublemaker.
How's this signature look?
I think I had R2 with the pop-up saber as a kid (might still). Is it valuable?
Shouldn't be too bad... maybe $10 if I can find a loose one in good shape w/o any weapons. More of the principle of the thing.
Yeah even bad condition ones with original saber go for quite a bit.Not really. I'll give you a dollar.
EDIT: OK, I'm kidding. They can be in great condition.