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Super Freak
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
I shall begin:

When I was little I wrote my name on my brother's AT-AT. A year later, he threw his Millenium Falcon off of a fifteen story building, fully manned with figures within. Twice.
I've always been a Jedi Luke fan. I never had the Jedi Luke figure as a child, only the Endor Luke, so it was close enough. Naturally, if I was playing with Star Wars toys I was using him. When I was a kid, I don't know why the opportunity came up, but there was a chance to and I said yes to giving away my B-Wing. Some time after doing that, I became aware that Luke was gone but didn't put it together until I was older, but apparently, I gave the B-Wing away, most likely, with my coveted Luke inside. I bought one last year off eBay, but it's not mine, so a part of me is still sad about this incident.
OUCH! Where do I begin? I believe at one point I had the double telescoping Luke... which over time and thanks to family lost the saber and had his head bit off. And somehow I lost one of my R2's inside my house. Don't ask me how, he just... dissapeared.

Also come to think of it, my first 3PO who I still have, no longer has his hands. I will never get rid of it though. Never.
When I came home from college to find out my parents had given most of them away.
It's not so horrific, but I remember going through a toy store when I was a kid, and when I was young, Star Wars toys still happened to be left on the shelf from Jedi, and this is like 3-4 years after the film cuz I was born in 83, but I remember seeing a Wicket and I remember wanting it as a kid, and for some odd reason, didn't snatch it up seeing it on clearance, to this day I'm like, what was I thinking, my father eventually picked one up for me from a guy I bought collectibles from.
Batty said:
When I came home from college to find out my parents had given most of them away.

That has to be one of the most tragic stories one could have about this sort of thing.

It might be twisted of me, but I've contemplated being buried with my Star Wars collectibles when I die, though that thought started when I only had a hundred or so 3 3/4" figures to take with me, now it'd take a UPS truck sized casket for that job, and lots of money, but hey, I could go out the way I lived in this world and be a financial burden on my family, possibilities I sense haha.
MaulFan said:
That has to be one of the most tragic stories one could have about this sort of thing.
This happened in 1985, and to this day I've never gotten a straight answer as to why they did it. It's sort of this unspoken thing between us.

What's weird is, they kept a bunch of crap I didn't even want. But luckily, they didn't touch my comic book collection.
I buried a few of mine but always dug them up and cleaned them off. I did destroy most of the vechiles over time playing rough with them. I was lucky that my parents were kinda pack rats so I still have all my figures well most of them. I am missing some figures though, most notabily a vinyl cape Jawa:monkey2.
Fortunately, in all the years we had dogs in my house and all of the incidents of action figure decapitation, poor Winston from Ghostbusters, I never lost a Star Wars figure to a canine.
I kept losing my ANH Leia down my Rancor's gullet. I always had to turn him upside down to shake the little b*tch out. One day, while I was shaking, his arm fell off. And this is the lesson to be learned:

Never....EVER...shake...a Rancor.
When I was kid I only had about 5-6 figures, and my brother had a couple. One of my favorite's was Skiff Lando, I think because he was one of the few I had that I could recognize right out of the film. I put his helmet in an empty bottle of Grover Bubble Bath...I could never get it back out.

When you're 3 this is pretty tragic!
Customikey said:
I kept losing my ANH Leia down my Rancor's gullet. I always had to turn him upside down to shake the little b*tch out. One day, while I was shaking, his arm fell off. And this is the lesson to be learned:

Never....EVER...shake...a Rancor.

Interesting you bring up the Rancor. It's not a horror story, but it's interesting. My dad picked me up the Rancor from my collectible dealer as a gift, and while playing with it, I kept hearing a strange rattling and it was bothering me. The figure was out of the box and with semi loose joints so I thought that maybe just some little piece had broken off, but for the remainder of my story, I'll touch it up and see if anyone see what I'm imitating....

The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli. From where I stood I could see into the eye of the great beast, then suddenly, a huge wave came crashing in and tossed me up on top of him, I could barely see but I knew something was obstructing his breathing, so I reached in and pulled out the obstruction...

And come to find, apparently the Rancor and Batman had squared off in the home of it's previous owner.
When I came home from school and found my cousin bit the head of my Luke, I think I cried for like an hour. That was just a BAD day all around.
I took my brothers big Vader out to the playground. You know, that huge old 15" Vader? Well, while Iwas on the MErry-Go-ROund, I slipped and Vader hit one of the bars, and his head was struck off, ESB style.

My brother was majorly P.O.ed and forbade me to go near any of his Star Wars figures again. To that end, he marked each figure on the feet with his innitials. To spite him, I did the same.
When I was a kid I buried Panthro, Prince Adam (He-Man) and Destro..... I was playing like they had died and had to be buried... I got to playing and forgot all about them... A week later I realized what had transpired and started digging everywhere I could. I had forgotten where the "gravesite" was located...

I did find Panthro's nunchuks, Prince Adam with his clothing eaten off by insects, but alas... No Destro...

To think that somewhere in the middle of nowhere, two vintage toys are buried in the Florida earth.....