Vote for your Favorite Ariel Olivetti Comiquette and rank em!

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Vote for your favorite Ariel Olivetti comiquette and rank em

  • Spider-man

    Votes: 28 24.3%
  • Venom

    Votes: 48 41.7%
  • Carnage

    Votes: 4 3.5%
  • HULK

    Votes: 12 10.4%
  • Punisher

    Votes: 23 20.0%

  • Total voters
1.) Venom - The detailing is just (as Fuzzy already mentioned) topnotch, everyhing about it screams "grail". The definitive "full bodied" Venom piece to own!

2.) Spidey - Spider-Man straight out of the comicbook. The combination of the pose, sculpt & the base just makes this piece an instant classic!

3.) Carnage - The detailing on this piece merits it to be in the same level as Spidey & Venom. It is underrated in my opinion.

4.) Hulk - No reason.

5.) Punisher - It's a terrific piece but I've always preferred the Punisher from the Max series that Tim Bradstreet did. Read it & you'll know why.
Here the pics of the 5 from various collectors:



Every time I look at the Spidey my eyes are drawn to his right leg that looks mutated, obscured some how. I like most of the statue (even though he has no nose ) but his legs just don't make sense to me ... I don't have an adjective for them atm :lol
Punisher, hands down for me. It's my favorite comiquette. It captures Frank's attitude perfectly. He just looks so dangerous and fierce. The sculpt and paint apps are perfect. Only knock is that it isn't 1/4 scale. That complaint is not enough to knock this piece off the top of the list for me.

Spidey is 2nd for me. Captures his essence and abilities perfectly. Great sculpt but not so great paint job. Too many QC issues with this piece. Overall though, this is an impressive piece if you got a good one. Thankfully I did.

Venom is a beast. Great sculpt and paints on this one. Don't own it but I am working on it. I really don't care for the character but this is a killer sculpt. Hard to find anything negative to say about this piece.

The Hulk comiquette. I love this raging and dynamic monster. This is what the Hulk is to me. I find the PF to be too docile and ape like for my tastes. The com is perfect for me. The hair doesn't bother me one bit. However, the green paint is too light and really takes this piece down a few notches for me. If SSC would have nailed the paint job on this piece it would have moved up my list.

Carnage. HATE the character. As a statue though it is nice. Great paint and good sculpt. My biggest complaint is the position of his arm seems off. Too much of the sculpt is blocked by his arm. Other than that, I can't really find anything else wrong with the statue.
What is the next peice Olivetti is doing?

My Opinion:
1. Venom
2. Spidey
3. Punisher
4. Hulk
5. Carnage

They are all very well done.
All great pieces, but if I have to rank them:

1. Spidey
2. Venom
3. Punisher
4. Carnage
5. Hulk
I have to say that I am really surprised that Venom is winning by so much. Nothing against the piece and I know it's loved. I just really thought Spidey would be number one. Now I just want to see the Venom CQ in person. Someone send it to my home for a week so I can this this monster face to face.
you've got to see venom in person , scored one last week and it's already one of my favourite pieces in my collection but having all three ( carnage , venom and spidey ) seems like a must and i really hope we'll get other spidey villains in the same scale soon
Blah, this is one poll I have put my foot down. Bad poll. Its all relative to each individula taste. And I mean Spiderman, Venom, Carnage all belong to Spiderman's arena. So its like Spiderman/villians fans vs Hulk fans or Punisher fans. Would be fair is we have Abomination, Rhino, and some X-Men in the mix. I like Olivetti but so far, SSC didn't make the rest yet.
Never liked Spiderman or Hulk. BUT even with that fact I LOVE Venom Comiquette & Hulk PF (exactly PF, I can't say anything good about comiquette in the world where PF exist) and think that this two pieces one of SSC best ever. It's about presentation & overall quality for me. For example, I'm a big Terminator fan but I will never tell/choose T2 PF over Hulk PF.
Hulk and Spidey for me. The rest just don't do it for me. Venom is nice but not gonna expand on Spidey's villians. Punisher is nice but he looks overly muscled for a guy with no real powers. Yes, he's true to Olivetti.