Great likeness and I'm a big fan of the M:I movies, but I'm just not sure the character really has a memorable or interesting enough look for me to want to collect him.
yea specifically a fully armored Last Samurai figureShame no one has gotten Cruise to play ball. I'd love to see HT go all Depp and make several characters of his.
They did for MI: Ghost ProtocolLooks pretty cool. Didn't' medicom hold the rights a few years ago?
agreed! will at the very least have to pick up the sculpt if not the whole figureIt's just a good likeness, period.
I think Woodrob has an interest list open (or will) for StaceeSomeone needs to make Stacee from Rock of Ages.
They'll have to use the Marty McFly body to get the height right.
The head looks great and number of accessories is awesome. Not too keen on the outfit but that's an easy enough fix. What film is this actually from? The new one? I don't remember this look in the others though I never did see the 4th one.
If I could erase all memory of MI2 from my mind, I would.