Walt Disney World and Disneyland(s) Discussion

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Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

:O Star Tours is closing??? My first memory of Disneyland is going on Star Tours. I was around the age of 4 I think. My older brother said I gripped his hand so hard that I bruised him.

Just got back from 8 days in Disney World. Kids had a blast.

Star Tours needs a serious update ... its pretty tired at this point. With rides like Harry Potter, flight simulators are pretty passe' -- and Star Tours isn't even that great a flight simulator (Back to the Future was a LOT better, and Universal closed it a couple of years back). The plot is kinda boring, no major characters appear, and there are no Jedi or Sith in it. It was really a cool ride when I was 12 ... but it needs a complete overhaul.

Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

Last week I said my good bye to Star Tours at Disneyland.



With my boarding pass I was ready to go

Took one last trip through the queue

Farewell 3PO!

Farewell, ARtoo!

Farewell, Future Captain Rexes



Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

Farewell, Teek feet!

And safety spiel woman!

Farewell creepy old lady who has a thing for Wookiees

Here we goooo

Exiting to an empty Tomorrowland

And an empty Main Street


See you next summer!
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

Man pics of the parks empty are always so cool/weird. I remember getting to go to Epcto really early one morning before it opened for a breakfast for the local talk radio morning show, it was so weird walking past the attractions with not a soul in sight.
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

I went to Disneyland today and rode just ONE ride: Snow White's Scary Adventure.

Why? Well, Disneyland never stops to update the classic attractions and they just added some neat effects to the shortest Fantasyland dark ride in the whole park.

I wish I had better pictures but hopefully this will show you an example of what they did. The queen's lair is now very bright and colorful as you first enter but as she becomes the old hag, all the colors deteriorate into stone.


It's a really neat effect and the rest of the ride just feels more powerful.

Here's the dwarfs at the end of the ride. This scene is also more colorful now with rain effects and what not. This picture doesn't do it justice.


Word on the street is that they're going to be doing something similar this to Indiana Jones Adventure too pretty soon. Looking forward to it!
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

Coheteboy, dude, I love all your Disneyland pics...
wish I could visit the park more often...

Thanks, Kuzeh! I wish I had more for you guys.
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

After waiting about fifteen years since my last visit, and my wife having never been, we've finally planned our DLR trip.

Downsides are since she's a teacher we can never go during quiet times, so we're going Labor Day weekend. AND there's some sort of marathon that resulted in all the DLR resorts being booked, so we're staying off-site.

As a WDW psycho who knows it like the back of his hand, it'll be interesting being in "foreign" Disney parks.
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

After waiting about fifteen years since my last visit, and my wife having never been, we've finally planned our DLR trip.

Downsides are since she's a teacher we can never go during quiet times, so we're going Labor Day weekend. AND there's some sort of marathon that resulted in all the DLR resorts being booked, so we're staying off-site.

As a WDW psycho who knows it like the back of his hand, it'll be interesting being in "foreign" Disney parks.

I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Especially since I'm the complete opposite. I've only done WDW three times. I was asked to return in october but I can't afford it right now.
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Especially since I'm the complete opposite. I've only done WDW three times. I was asked to return in october but I can't afford it right now.

I only recently moved from NY to CO, which is (for those who have studied a lot of US history), closer to CA. I guess it's not uncommon that east coasters go to WDW more while west coasters do DLR. For shorter and cheaper plane trips, I'd think that makes sense.

I feel like I'm studying for the Bar, the way I'm waist deep in DLR information. I always avoided a lot of DLR news/updates/info, because without the ability to go, it's just depressing to read about. I have literally shelves of WDW books, so my DLR collection has a LOT of catching up to do. Which just made me realize I need to pick up the Imagineer's Field Guide to DLR... I have all of the WDW books and they are fantastic.

So now, lots of catching up to do. I refuse to be an uninformed guest, wandering around and asking where Liberty Square is because I want to go on HM.
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

I only recently moved from NY to CO, which is (for those who have studied a lot of US history), closer to CA. I guess it's not uncommon that east coasters go to WDW more while west coasters do DLR. For shorter and cheaper plane trips, I'd think that makes sense.

I feel like I'm studying for the Bar, the way I'm waist deep in DLR information. I always avoided a lot of DLR news/updates/info, because without the ability to go, it's just depressing to read about. I have literally shelves of WDW books, so my DLR collection has a LOT of catching up to do. Which just made me realize I need to pick up the Imagineer's Field Guide to DLR... I have all of the WDW books and they are fantastic.

So now, lots of catching up to do. I refuse to be an uninformed guest, wandering around and asking where Liberty Square is because I want to go on HM.
I live on the west coast so it's always been Disneyland for me...or "Dineyland" as the title of this thread calls it. Usually don't fly though, we road trip it. I wish I could take you and your wife on a tour, 'cause I've got that park memorized like the back of my hand. :)
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

Well thankfully we know the general Disney park system so well that a lot of it should translate... Fast Passes, how to get around the dullards, etc. We're also doing one of the dinners that includes a FP for World of Color, so that saves a lot of hassle.

One huge change is that DLR is going to feel damn near claustrophobic compared to WDW. It is nice that even though we're staying off-site, we're still a five-ish minute walk from the front gate (I think, we're staying at Red Lion).
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

Well thankfully we know the general Disney park system so well that a lot of it should translate... Fast Passes, how to get around the dullards, etc. We're also doing one of the dinners that includes a FP for World of Color, so that saves a lot of hassle.

One huge change is that DLR is going to feel damn near claustrophobic compared to WDW. It is nice that even though we're staying off-site, we're still a five-ish minute walk from the front gate (I think, we're staying at Red Lion).
(Psst...careful with your wallet on that five minute walk...neighborhood's a bit shifty in my experience.)
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

New Star Tours video that will play in the queue area once the ride re opens

<embed src="https://www.viddler.com/simple_on_site/b6868381" width="437" height="265" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" flashvars="fake=1" name="viddler" ></embed></object>.

Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

New Star Tours video that will play in the queue area once the ride re opens

<embed src="https://www.viddler.com/simple_on_site/b6868381" width="437" height="265" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" flashvars="fake=1" name="viddler" ></embed></object>.


Ahaha. "Alderaan - voted safest planet in the galaxy." :)

That looks really cool and although I loved the original ride the new one looks like it's going to be fun. I was worried they were going to do some sort of pod-racing BS.
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

I wouldn't rule podracing out. As I recall there was talk about there being a randomizer so I bet there will be a bunch of destinations and I bet money "On tatooine you'll experience the excitement and thrill of podracing."
Re: Walt Disney World and Dineyland(s) Discussion

I wouldn't rule podracing out. As I recall there was talk about there being a randomizer so I bet there will be a bunch of destinations and I bet money "On tatooine you'll experience the excitement and thrill of podracing."


Why any luxury vacation shuttle would ever venture to Tatooine is beyond me.