I can't believe there are so many people that wouldn't buy it
They need to make War Machine with the IM maquette. Sort of like what SS did with Wolverine PF & Sabertooth PF. If they don't I will......:emperor:emperoron sideshow
They need to make War Machine with the IM maquette. Sort of like what SS did with Wolverine PF & Sabertooth PF. If they don't I will......:emperor:emperoron sideshow
Let me get this Straight: you will electrocute them twice then get mad and then Cry.... man you are an unbalanced individual.
Sideshow wouldn't have the balls to simply repaint. Nor would they piss off their fans or openly do something so daft. From a structural standpoint there isn't much that is the same between War Machine and the Mark VI, even the helmets are different. It isn't as simple as "Throw a gun on it and paint it gray!"