Warehouse 13

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Exactly. I didn't see Kelly or Todd to take away from anything. The good thing about HG is she's a part of the team. I don't think they need to make a big deal of it. I don't think it should be in your face. I think the missions and the brotp are the best parts of the show/episodes. But a little romance never hurt anyone.

And man, do I wish Kelly would come back. I LOVED her and Pete together.

Yeah, I really liked Kelly to, but she wants a "simple" life, so I can't see her accepting Pete's job :(

Tesla looks AMAZING BG, even the crate it comes in looks super cool :)
I am sure everyone has seen these but they are fun to share anyways. Seasons 1, 2 and 3 gag reels.

They are so funny. My favorite parts are Myka (jo) saying
mmhmm, and if he, mmhmm," and then for seasons 3 when she can't find her words and she's like..."uh that's okay I'd like taaa uhhh, never mind, I guess." Bahahahaha. So great. And of course Jaime Murray's "Bollocks!" and "oh shut your hole, shut your effing hole." And anything where Scags is laughing. "We're facing a truck backing up" is hilarious and who doesn't love Pete's face after he burps? So cute!!!
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I've never understood why they are so short. The only people to get it right are the people behind the Big Bang Theory gag reels. They are around 10 min long. Maybe we need to protest?
Yea, we need romance in these types of shows. And personally I could do without Pete and Myka and just have Claudia, Artie and HG - that would be a great team.
Yea, we need romance in these types of shows. And personally I could do without Pete and Myka and just have Claudia, Artie and HG - that would be a great team.

HG is amazing. Even if we separate her from Myka. Let's pretend they aren't in love for a moment. You have to admit the episodes with HG are significantly more enjoyable (most times) than the episodes without her.
Jenn and I were speculating one night after watching Warehouse 13's latest episode.

Instead of Claudia or Steve being the evil, because that’s too obvious, what if it’s Artie.

We know that Claudia uses the dagger on him in his vision. Maybe the dagger will be used to extract the evil within, and Claudia is his savior in doing so.

Speculation? Yes. Possible outcome? Yes. Probable outcome? Not on my life. Lol. But it's fun to think about it.
3 in a row that's just me. But I saw the latest episode (as it aired) and want to have a chat. Waited a few days to see if anyone was gonna post so I didn't have to triple post.

I enjoyed the episode. I am interested to see what's going to happen between Steve and Claud. It can't be this way forever because this is no way to live. So something's gotta give. Knowing this show, someone will find an artifact to fix it. I'm just curious now as to if they stop the Metronome, will Claudia die with Steve. And man, what a way to live. If you're Steve, you know that stopping that thing ends your life. Weird.

As for the missions with Pete and Myka, not bad. But what interested me the most was Leena being in the field. I really, really like her. There are people who think she's useless but she's not. She's a wealth of info, she has great perception, she's adorable, and funny! So I hope we get more of her on missions because if they keep HG away from me, at least I like Leena a lot.

Claudia was still funny Claudia, so that was enjoyable. And hmm, do we think Leena will be the first to figure out what Artie was talking about? If so, what does that mean for her life?!

Lastly, who the heck did Artie call? Some people think it's HG. If that's the case, way to tell us show that HG is working with Regents and has the resources at her hands to hunt stuff. Just throw her there and give her something to do? Really? If it's not HG, then okay, but who?
I was late watching the episode, so I haven't been around lately :)

For some reason I still believe that Steve will eventually die again, but its all certainly become more complicated with his link to Claudia now. If Steve ends up badly injured again, he'll be fine because of the metronome, but Claudia would feel all the effects. Not sure where they will go with this and how Steve will come to tell Claudia what's happening.

I was really happy to see Leena out in the field for once, they've never used the character enough in the past, so hopefully now they intend to. Id love to get a bit of background on Leena and how she came to be involved with the warehouse. She clearly knows a lot about how all the artifacts work, shes up there with Artie in the knowledge.

I dont think Artie was calling HG personally. The way he spoke to the person on the phone sounded like he didn't particularly like them all that much. I dont know if this person is going to be someone we already know or somebody completely new at this point.
OMG Myka actually mentioned HG in this episode - apparently she's God know's where - yes tell us something we don't know LOL

Whoever Artie called last week, we still don't know.

They must have overused Leena last week because she wasn't in this episode at all LOL.
OMG Myka actually mentioned HG in this episode - apparently she's God know's where - yes tell us something we don't know LOL

Whoever Artie called last week, we still don't know.

They must have overused Leena last week because she wasn't in this episode at all LOL.

Ugh, that's all I have to say to the no Leena usage. I really want her on more!

HG is God knows where, mmhmm. Of course she is. She's such a slippery person, no one can get their hands on her. Except maybe Myka. :monkey3

But seriously, the Regents probably have her and are putting her through trials. We know she wont be around so much due to Defiance (let it die!! lol) so we have to expect she will be God knows where for a long time. At least Myka was thinking about her. At least we know why Myka's hair has been so crazy. I wouldn't keep myself up very well if I didn't know where Jenn was.

The episodes are good when HG isn't in them. But they are GREAT when she is. So I hope we see her again. I would have loved the the tv show to come to light for her character. We could have had all flash backs with a bit of current time, too. That'd be cool.

Back to WH...I felt like Jinks may be cut out of the show, but I dunno. I'm not sure where they are going with him yet. I'm okay if he goes or stays. He's not one of those characters I care for. So if they stop the metronome, then okay.

Right now, I'm basically rambling because I'm so tired and cannot form proper thoughts. So, I'll come back and finish this when it's not garbage.
I like Jinks, but I just get this feeling that they aren't going to be able to get everything their way. Everything they lost they got back, the Warehouse, Mrs F, HG and Jinks. Somethings got to give and right now I think it will be losing Jinks, but I'm really not convinced it will happen anymore.

I was surprised to hear that they'd only filmed the pilot of Defiance early on in the year. Surely Jaime must have been free to film Warehouse 13 back then, but I don't know if they used her or not. Right now I'm not expecting her to return till possibly episode 10 when she'll reappear as a new Regent, perhaps being trained by Jane.

I'm glad Myka mentioned HG in that latest episode because I know people were getting theories that they'd all lost their memories of her due to a downside of using the artifact. At least we know that isn't the case.

Jaime's in full swing filming Defiance now and I think they're filming the second half of season 4 of WH13 as well, so I don't know if they'll be able to get her for many of those remaining episodes. I'm sure if HG is integral to a storyline Syfy would be able to work Jaime into filming both shows, but they won't just have her around in the background if she isn't really needed.
So, thoughts on the latest episode?

Liked the scene where we see how an artifact is born. Is Mrs F losing her connection to the WH since the astrolabe was used?

How is black diamond getting to the artifacts in the WH?

I wont even mention what Myka was getting up to, totally OOC.
I thought the Claud and Fred parts were good. But I thought Myka was VERY out of character and the whole Pete and her having a baby thing was a bit annoying and out of place. He just lays that on her. I dunno. Haven't really enjoyed the episodes as much. The first one back was great though.