Watchmen in trouble

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Frank Miller the author of 300 wants to write a sequel to the 300 movie. Alan Moore the author of Watchmen doesn't want to have anything to do with any film, period. It's possible for them to write a sequel without the author, but that would be complete ^^^^, I doubt they'd try it.

Anyone who knows anything about history knows there is no 301. They might as well make a sequel to Watchmen with that attitude.
*yawn* Watchmen isn't in trouble. It will all work out and the various parties will be paid.

While there was no "301" there was The Battle of Artemisium concurrent to or shortly after The Battle of Thermopylae.
I understand wanting to stick to "source materials" but I personally wouldn't mind seeing a prequel centered around another great battle w/ King Leonidas.

Seems like it's going to be Gerrard Butler's one great role. May as well milk it.
I F^^^n' hate Fox! Greedy bastards only care about $ and nothing else.

Yeah, so what if they own the rights to make (or not make) the film. If someone else comes along and decides to illegally make it themselves, Fox should just say "it's all good, good luck to you guys, hope it does well".

That's definitely the way companies stay in business.

In fantasyland.
If Miller didn't write a sequel to 300, then I'm not in a rush to see a movie produced without any source material. When he writes the sequel, then I'll be interested.
Yeah, so what if they own the rights to make (or not make) the film. If someone else comes along and decides to illegally make it themselves, Fox should just say "it's all good, good luck to you guys, hope it does well".

In fantasyland.

Well...mabye they shoulda....I dont know, STOPPED IT before the first person was casted? If they did something BEFORE the film began, then I'd be mad, but not pissed. They waited like the greedy jerks they are until the hype was building. And dont tell me they had no idea.....there was crap posted ALL around the Internets....COMIC CON 07 had freakin posters....Fox was there too....its all bull ^^^^.
And dont tell me they had no idea.....there was crap posted ALL around the Internets....COMIC CON 07 had freakin posters....Fox was there too....its all bull ^^^^.

FOX can't sue on a whim. Their attorneys have to actually determine there's a credible charge to be made and the legal knot around Watchmen is sufficiently confusing for that to have taken considerable legwork - all of which was only worth paying for once WB moved ahead with production.
Fox has had enough time, this movie has been in development with Warner Brothers since '05, almost three years now. And before that, the first company outside of Fox to start working on the Watchmen was Warner Brothers in '01, almost 7 years now. They could've done something back then but didn't.

Fox has stated that they want to block the movie's release, VERY ******* move. It seems they're only doing this to screw Warner Brothers, and the fans.

They should just get what was promised to them, a pay out by Lawrence Gordon and that's that, but the a^^holes at Fox wants so much more.
Fox has had enough time, this movie has been in development with Warner Brothers since '05, almost three years now. And before that, the first company outside of Fox to start working on the Watchmen was Warner Brothers in '01, almost 7 years now. They could've done something back then but didn't.

FOX had no reason to invest the time or money pursuing this issue until Watchmen started filming. Most movies in development never leave development, and this is a project with a very long and very troubled history. Principal photography started in September and IIRC FOX filed its injunction request in February. That's a five-month window for having its legal team examine the contract and come to a determination a case has merit, for FOX to decide what it wants to do, and then for studio lawyers to figure out how to best execute that decision and get the paperwork moving. These things move slowly.

Fox has stated that they want to block the movie's release, VERY ******* move.

Always enter negotiations with your hardest stance. FOX has no intention of blocking Watchmen. Warner Bros knows this. There will be a payoff and the movie will come out on time.

Warner Bros was wrong to start filming. The legal team that looked at this should probably be fired, because they are going to have cost the studio tens of millions before this thing is over. But the movie will come out. Don't worry, guys.
Warner Bros was wrong to start filming. The legal team that looked at this should probably be fired, because they are going to have cost the studio tens of millions before this thing is over. But the movie will come out. Don't worry, guys.

Actually the contracts are kind of ambiguous and you have to follow the entire paper trail to see what Fox is actually owed. The Paramount team that looked at the documents previously should also have noticed something was wrong as well.