Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)
This month's video journal is up with Dave Gibbons.
This month's video journal is up with Dave Gibbons.
When asked if they'd changed the ending, Wilson apparently just laughed. "I have to say, if you know how much Zack believes in it, you wouldn't believe he would go that far from the graphic novel. I don't know how those rumors start, but that'd be a stretch!" Beyond that statement, I'm not going to begin to even spoil the ending if you're not already familiar with it. You're more than welcome to do your own research on Wikipedia, but fans of the comic should have a smile on their face after hearing that. I'm definitely very excited myself to see the rather epic conclusion to the fantastic story play out on screen, especially after watching two hours of these characters beforehand. I think by that time we'll have established such an amazing connection with them, thanks to Zack Snyder, that it'll be hard to see them go.
unbelievable!!!!! i never read the graphic novel (i know about it), but i was completely blown away. Zach Snyder definitely has a bright future ahead of him. I loved this trailer, and this will be the last trailer i see before the movie now.