WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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No, but it stuck close enough to the material, and didnt turn it into something like a Fox movie.

blue himself?
No, but it stuck close enough to the material, and didnt turn it into something like a Fox movie.

That still doesn't make it a good movie. X2 deviated from all the details and yet was somehow closer to the spirit of The Uncanny X-Men than most other comic book movies have managed. This got most of the details right while missing the spirit of Watchmen.

Although the Jon chapter was nice.
I also think its another example of the sad but true fact that women love being treated like crap, hence the guy could shoot a pregger women and rape a superheroine and he still has you kinda wrapped around his finger. women are complicated creatures thank god i already have a keeper cause you guys are hard to figure out!!! ;)

Oooo painting with the broad brush? I find it a little hard to believe that any women would prefer to be with a man who treats them like dirt. Are there women that seem to always end up with a not so nice man? Yes, of course. Why is that? I'm not a trained psychologist or therapist, so I have no idea why some women end up with men that abuse, push them around, etc., but of the few female friends I've had who got away from relationships with abusers or just plain mean men, none of them wanted to be treated like dirt. Hence the reason they finally left.

As for the Comedian. Frankly I've never understood the adoration and love for the character. In the comic series (and now in the film) I've always found him to be an unsympathetic character. My empathy for him just never kicked in, perhaps due to his guilt, sadness, and some good acts just not adding up enough to make-up for his past mistakes and awful acts (at least in my eyes).
I also think its another example of the sad but true fact that women love being treated like crap, hence the guy could shoot a pregger women and rape a superheroine and he still has you kinda wrapped around his finger. women are complicated creatures thank god i already have a keeper cause you guys are hard to figure out!!! ;)
i don't think they actually like being treated like crap, but they definitely reward us for it.
it's cheaper and more effective than buying them jewelry. they are not complicated.
As for the Comedian. Frankly I've never understood the adoration and love for the character. In the comic series (and now in the film) I've always found him to be an unsympathetic character. My empathy for him just never kicked in, perhaps due to his guilt, sadness, and some good acts just not adding up enough to make-up for his past mistakes and awful acts (at least in my eyes).
i never had any empathy for him. i just thought he was funny.
I'm sorry, my fellow ladies. I didn't mean to instigate that blanket statement of enjoying being treated like crap. I'm a little embarrassed.

Here's the thing, the Comedian is very brash and more than a little abrasive. He would be fun for a one night stand at best, which is basically what Sally got of him. He's not the kind of guy that any girl in her right mind would want to stick with. Girls are attracted to bad boys, but bad boys aren't the ones that they end up with for the rest of their lives.
I also think its another example of the sad but true fact that women love being treated like crap, hence the guy could shoot a pregger women and rape a superheroine and he still has you kinda wrapped around his finger. women are complicated creatures thank god i already have a keeper cause you guys are hard to figure out!!! ;)

So if women like being treated like crap, then you better start treating your wife badly or she'll leave you. :lol

I think you missed her point anyway.

And no.....women don't like being treated like crap.
Loving someone despite their flaws and sticking with them even though they hurt you doesn't necessarily mean that you enjoy being hurt, just that you love them enough to stay around because every tenth day is a good one and you can live with that tradeoff.

Unconditional love is a noble thing, but at times it is extended to those who don't really deserve it by those who lack the objectivity to remove themselves from an unhealthy situation.
I kind of fall into that category. I don't think I deserve someone who treats me well. But somehow I managed to get somebody who does. Growing up I always thought I'd wind up in a Harley Quinn/Joker relationship. I was abused growing up, not by my father though. It does tend to haunt me a little. Some women get caught in a victim mindset. I really hate to admit it but the attempted rape scene, horrible as it was, made me like the Comedian even more. I'm sorry if that disturbs anybody. It disturbs my boyfriend a fair amount.

Anyway, I'm sorry I drove the thread so far off-topic. Totally didn't mean to.

I just found out that my best friend is going to Fan Expo this year as Silk Spectre I, her cousins are going to be Silk Spectre II and Ozymandias! She really wants me and my boyfriend to visit so we can be Rorschach and Nite Owl II in their little Watchmen cosplay. I'd love to, but I really don't think we can afford to fly all the way to Toronto this year. Bummer! It would be so fun.

I cannot wait to get Watchmen on DVD. Does anyone know when the Director's Cut is going to be released in theaters?
Director's cut theatrical release all depends on how well the regular release does. Since it's below what they wanted I'm guessing the Director's Cut will be limited to IMAX if it gets put in theaters at all. Irish said the DVD and Blu-Ray have a release at the end of this year (October or November I think).
wether they enjoy it or not, for some reason SOME stay when NONE should, even if its 1 in a million its still too much in my eyes, and thats my point...
I have never treated any women with anything but the upmost respect, hell my life practically revolves around women, (gf, mother, godmother , aunts, female friends) but looking around and seeing some of the scum they find themselves with really makes me sick cause they dont deserve it.
IMO ofcourse.

and obviously i was using a broad brush, there are execptions and absurdities to every rule.... mabey ive just witnessed more f'ed up relationships and am a bit more cynical.

Anyway sorry to affend anyone..... back on track...

The comedian is a very interesting character though, though his apperance and actions make him seem so brute, hes actually got alot of layers under his dark shell.

Out of all the main characters which one do you think will have the most additional footage in the directors cut????
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I enjoyed the film as it was...a really good film. I like the graphic novel in a different aspect...a GREAT graphic novel. I knew there would be differences and I never went into it comparing every scene to the book, I find that if it is good great a movie I can watch, if not then great doesn't change the book at all. And here is my love of the book for all to see
