WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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Just saw it tonight, finally, and wow it was awesome.

I'd never read it, so I wasn't sure what to expect, probably the first time in a while actually, because I usually end up reading spoilers. I really enjoyed it, and I have to say, I think its the best superhero/comic movie. It's not really groundbreaking, the effects or music while well done aren't anything new, but it delves deeper into the darker side of the Hero themselves, something by comparison Dark Knight only scratched the surface of. You really felt the consequence of the compromises they had to make, it wasn't like Mary Jane was tied up again, the entire world is at stake and there isn't any right way to deal with it. Great conflict, solid execution.

I can understand with the subject matter and grit, how you can not like it, but to anyone who says they didn't understand or couldn't follow it, sorry to break the news but your an idiot. Pay attention harder, put down the blackberry, or get yourself diagonosed with ADD for real, they'll give you meds to help. :naughty
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I flipping love that Rorschach tattoo! Spenca, that is so awesome. I briefly considered getting a Comedian tattoo instead of my Cloud tattoo, but I'd be scared my boyfriend would leave me. He told me today that the reason he hates the Comedian so much is because one of his mother's boyfriends beat her and he just can't stand men who beat women because of it. I tried to defend him by saying that the Comedian doesn't take gender into account, I think he beats everyone, but my guy was having none of it. I'm wearing my Comedian shirt today and he gave me such a face, I felt kind of bad. The guy behind the counter at Spencer Gifts complimented it though.

You didn't offend me H. And I was the one who instigated your comment so I should apologize as well. I hope the deleted scenes are full of Eddie, but I'm infatuated so you all knew that would be my answer. :)
Just saw it tonight, finally, and wow it was awesome.

I'd never read it, so I wasn't sure what to expect, probably the first time in a while actually, because I usually end up reading spoilers. I really enjoyed it, and I have to say, I think its the best superhero/comic movie. It's not really groundbreaking, the effects or music while well done aren't anything new, but it delves deeper into the darker side of the Hero themselves, something by comparison Dark Knight only scratched the surface of. You really felt the consequence of the compromises they had to make, it wasn't like Mary Jane was tied up again, the entire world is at stake and there isn't any right way to deal with it. Great conflict, solid execution.

I can understand with the subject matter and grit, how you can not like it, but to anyone who says they didn't understand or couldn't follow it, sorry to break the news but your an idiot. Pay attention harder, put down the blackberry, or get yourself diagonosed with ADD for real, they'll give you meds to help. :naughty

It took me a few times to really GET the book. Theres just so much. If you enjoyed the movie, you gotta buy the book. Its worth it.
I flipping love that Rorschach tattoo! Spenca, that is so awesome. I briefly considered getting a Comedian tattoo instead of my Cloud tattoo, but I'd be scared my boyfriend would leave me. He told me today that the reason he hates the Comedian so much is because one of his mother's boyfriends beat her and he just can't stand men who beat women because of it. I tried to defend him by saying that the Comedian doesn't take gender into account, I think he beats everyone, but my guy was having none of it. I'm wearing my Comedian shirt today and he gave me such a face, I felt kind of bad. The guy behind the counter at Spencer Gifts complimented it though.

You didn't offend me H. And I was the one who instigated your comment so I should apologize as well. I hope the deleted scenes are full of Eddie, but I'm infatuated so you all knew that would be my answer. :)

There is no defence for hitting women, let alone trying to rape them. The Comedian is an A-hole
I finally saw it after a week (movie opened in Greece March 12th) and I really, really loved it. First things first I've read the GN and I liked it.
I've read it more than once, I enjoyed it, read between the lines, admired and recognised that Moore is a real genious.Great characters, great lines and ideas and many other comics, books, movies owe a lot to this art piece. Although I liked I never really adored it. But I liked the movie a lot.I believe the movie is underrated as much as Dark Knight is overrated in some aspects (grounded every day reality where you throw Eric Roberts character from the second floor, you hear the bones break but next day he walks with a cane).

Visually it was a tremendous feat.Every scene jumped right out of the GN.Small details everywhere that showed the huge production values and excellent opening credits (clever node to Batman and the Wayne's).I liked all main hero's acting, the way Doctor Manhattan seemed omnipotent and distant, a 10 or 15 minute appearance by the Comedian where you could see Jefrey Dean Morgan appear as a broken man, a charismatic man, a sadist, a patriot, a realist,a lonely man.All aspects of the same character brought to life in only a handfull of scenes. Jakey Earl Haley was great (I liked how he portrayed Kovac, especially the way he moved and reacted at the scene where Doctor Manhattan arrives at the Comedians' funeral). Also I was never distracted or annoyed by Rorsach's voice (unlike Bale's voice, when I heard the hockey pads line I wanted to laugh), it was perfect casting. I wasn't annoyed by the change of ending (truth is I was never a fan of the squid, but I was a fan of it's meaning).I liked the movie's pace and I am waiting for the director's cut (not so much for the Black Freighter-although I am curious as to how they will blend it in the movie).Sure there were flaws, every movie has, the omission of scenes and lines from the GN, or sometimes you felt like you were a bit distant from what was going on or that some scenes lacked a bit of soul,the Watchmen group (and the absence of more Guccino scenes :naughty). Truth is I liked the movie more than I thought I would.

Also I believe that Snyder and the producers must get extra credit for having the balls to create this movie. I couldn't believe at times that I was watching a potential blockbuster movie that was so true to the material (both visually and in the spirit of the book), a material that you can only describe as non-commercial and non-profitable.

And a last thing, I waited a week to go because I wanted to have a less packed theater.Sadly that was not the case.The theater was packed with idiots that kept telling the same lame jokes about Manhattans nudity and wanted to see Sally naked.Also they kept laughing with Nixon's nose and didn't know what was the big deal with Nixon's third election (It's not that they didn't understand it was a fictional world, it's the fact that they didn't knew that American presidents can only be elected twice) or who Kissinger (sp?) was.(A man who also had a role in my country's modern history).I know is irrelevant with the movie but it shows that the audience is immature for a movie that can not only offer them entertainment but also a bit of thought.

A great movie, a great companion for an already legendary art piece and a victory for people with a passion for something (director, producers).In the end, the making of this movie (and the way it turned out), the virals, the merchandise and all the small details (case files, photos, videos) that were created is a win for us. I don't think it will make much money, but I know I will contribute my part to say thanks for making such a brave adaptation (waiting for Hot Toys Comedian with 4 different heads)
Love your review, Okou!

I saw it for a third time tonight. This time there were some immature 20-somethings in the audience who kept snickering at Manhattan's danglies and they also laughed when the Comedian was breaking down to Moloch, the ***holes. They made the biggest racket at two parts: when the Comedian nails the guy who was spray-painting the wall with a smoke bomb and when Rorschach made that great line in the prison lunchroom. I almost shouted "Shut up!" but I thought I had it coming, because I called out a few things during Episode II.
I kind of think its funny that people can't understand why there is infatuation with certain any facet in life the reality is that people are geared towards and admire things they are NOT. People love the Comedian because he plays by his own rules and doesn't care about social constructs, that is a way of life that many people cannot emulate. One part about Jon that I really like IS the apathy he feels towards humanity and everythings surrounding it because in reality no matter how hard I would try that isn't a way I could be....I'm not wired that way although there are many times I feel it'd be an easier life that way.

A lot of people love heroes because they are what they can't be, they are the strength and justice people wish they could be. Some endulge in the villainy because it taps into that darker side they can't reallly express for whatever reason and it tingles that side of them when viewing or reading about them. Really think about it, this theory while not 100% by any means rings true for a lot of situations, hell even'll find those who are with brunettes watching blondes, those who are monogamous watching multiple partnerism...etc, etc, etc.

It really isn't rocket science.

That being said I think I might check out this movie again.....I'm having Watchmen withdrawals.
I kind of think its funny that people can't understand why there is infatuation with certain any facet in life the reality is that people are geared towards and admire things they are NOT. People love the Comedian because he plays by his own rules and doesn't care about social constructs, that is a way of life that many people cannot emulate. One part about Jon that I really like IS the apathy he feels towards humanity and everythings surrounding it because in reality no matter how hard I would try that isn't a way I could be....I'm not wired that way although there are many times I feel it'd be an easier life that way.

A lot of people love heroes because they are what they can't be, they are the strength and justice people wish they could be. Some endulge in the villainy because it taps into that darker side they can't reallly express for whatever reason and it tingles that side of them when viewing or reading about them. Really think about it, this theory while not 100% by any means rings true for a lot of situations, hell even'll find those who are with brunettes watching blondes, those who are monogamous watching multiple partnerism...etc, etc, etc.

It really isn't rocket science.

That being said I think I might check out this movie again.....I'm having Watchmen withdrawals.

I can never read your posts because I always thing of ice cream for some reason. :dunno
About to leave for my first IMAX viewing of the film.

I saw it on opening day in IMAX. So cool. I remember, when I saw The Dark Knight in that theater we didn't have any previews, because they weren't making a lot of IMAX films then, but for Watchmen there were quite a few. Mostly kiddie things like Up! and that Aliens vs. Monsters thing. relationship is suffering because my boyfriend is jealous of my infatuation with Eddie Blake. Yikes. I guess I need to tone it down a little.:thwak Bad Cloud!
I saw it on opening day in IMAX. So cool. I remember, when I saw The Dark Knight in that theater we didn't have any previews, because they weren't making a lot of IMAX films then, but for Watchmen there were quite a few. Mostly kiddie things like Up! and that Aliens vs. Monsters thing. relationship is suffering because my boyfriend is jealous of my infatuation with Eddie Blake. Yikes. I guess I need to tone it down a little.:thwak Bad Cloud!

HaHa tell him to relax its a fictional character.
I saw it on opening day in IMAX. So cool. I remember, when I saw The Dark Knight in that theater we didn't have any previews, because they weren't making a lot of IMAX films then, but for Watchmen there were quite a few. Mostly kiddie things like Up! and that Aliens vs. Monsters thing. relationship is suffering because my boyfriend is jealous of my infatuation with Eddie Blake. Yikes. I guess I need to tone it down a little.:thwak Bad Cloud!

My girlfriend said she wants a pass for Christian Bale, to which I replied that I would be honored and go for a drink that evening. I so rarely just have whiskey nights anymore. A win-win. Come to think of it... I landed my ex-girlfriend when I broke two of her abusive boyfriend-at-the-time's fingers with a tea cup. A little violence gets the girls, I guess. Worked so far for Blake, Bale, and I. :chew

And one who shoots pregnate woman, and rapes people. Oh and kills children. And killed JFK.....

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Attempted rape. Let's not go nuts. :nono
I saw it on opening day in IMAX. So cool. I remember, when I saw The Dark Knight in that theater we didn't have any previews, because they weren't making a lot of IMAX films then, but for Watchmen there were quite a few. Mostly kiddie things like Up! and that Aliens vs. Monsters thing. relationship is suffering because my boyfriend is jealous of my infatuation with Eddie Blake. Yikes. I guess I need to tone it down a little.:thwak Bad Cloud!

Make sure you don't visit my not-so-secret MySpace page (and I don't mean my main personal one). Hehe. :monkey3
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