Watched it today and must say I liked it, but felt a little disappointed. For me the biggest problem with those faithfull adaptations is the fact that everything seems to be happening faster on screen than it did in the book - like Rorschach's story which takes a whole chapter in the book, but only few minutes of the screentime here. Obviously, reading a book takes longer than watching a film and I'm sure everything will be fixed in the extended version just like with LotR.
The casting was spot on, everybody fitted their parts perfectly. The two standouts for me were Patrick Wilson and Jackie Earle Haley.
I also think the fighting scenes were great fun, although maybe a little over the top. But it was cool watching Malin Akerman in her sexy outfit kicking a$$, and the scene where she first puts her costume on in Night Owl's hideout and walks down the stairs is unforgettable

The one thing that I didn't like was how Rorschach killed the guy who kiddnaped a little girl and fed her to the dogs. I thought the way they did it in the film took away from the character.
Also all of the little side stories, like the news stand guy, were cut, but that was to be expected, so didn't really bother me.
So genarally the film is worth seing imho and I'm sure it will be much imroved upon in the extended cut.
4 out of 5 until I see the extended cut.