Well, here is to hope that my collection survives!

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In all seriousness Kit, I hope it works out for you. You should tell her someplace neutral and then have some of your friends and family around when she moves her stuff out. This way you're not facing her alone and she might think twice about doing anything destructive. Definitely change all your locks asap. It wouldn't hurt to photograph everything, too. I've got pics of all my stuff just for insurance reasons.
The mere fact that the collection is the first thing on his mind implies that this relationship is doomed.

During the worst fight I ever had with my wife, I offered her a figure to destroy. She wouldn't do it. And this was the height of her anger, mind. I knew she was The One before (she loved me when I had Star Wars toys on EVERY INCH OF MY ROOM), but this only reinforced that I was right.

Oh, and good luck...:D
Me and my girlfriend got into a fight last night and she said she was going to break my X-Men vs. Sentinel Excl. I knew she was just saying it because she knows I love my collection more than her.

Kit, you can hide you really cool stuff at my house for a while and then I can at least pretend like I have a mega collection like Tom's.:D
My wife threatened to toss Luke out the window as we were driving home with him for no other reason than because she was annpoyed I didn't want to go shopping! :google
My Fiance is awesome... I'm so glad she remains rational about the collection. She does know that she matters more to me than any of that. I'd smash Patient Zero with a hammer, smiling all the way if she made me choose, just to show my devotion to her.

Thankfully, for this level of love... I am awarded with her desire to enhance my collection's display, and with the understanding that my little hobby is paramount to my very existence. Her words sum it up best....

"Most guys are into cars, other women and drinking at tittie bars with their friends... I'm kinda happy that your worse vice is collecting figures and statues... It could be worse.... much worse."

Kit, I understand your pain though... I've had the destructive type.. The girl who goes for the heart, knowing what to do... what will hurt you most. :monkey2
DarkArtist81 said:
My Fiance is awesome...

"Most guys are into cars, other women and drinking at tittie bars with their friends... I'm kinda happy that your worse vice is collecting figures and statues... It could be worse.... much worse."

Kit, I understand your pain though... I've had the destructive type.. The girl who goes for the heart, knowing what to do... what will hurt you most. :monkey2

Damn, DK! My wife said almost the exact same thing!! How weird is that! The funny thing is, even though I'd choose her over any object in the world, we sort of understand that if she made me choose, she wouldn't be the girl I fell in love with. Mine is destructive, but only self-destructive. And then she rebuilds herself overnight. It's weird. She has a nuclear meltdown at night, and in the morning, it's like she's taller somehow. Rollercoaster!!!!!!
Hells bells Mikey, now I got the song "Love Rollercoaster" (or whatever the correct title is) stuck in my head. :lol

I hope everything works out for the best Kit.
Kit, I feel your pain; my girlfreind moved in about two years ago and just like your girl she started to exhibit all new behavior that I had never seen before. She too would become very irrational when it came to arguments and would become increasingly pissed off whenever I spoke the truth. On one occasion things got a little out of hand during an argument, she got pissed off at something I said and she held my Marvel Collector's Club Spider-Man Statue for ransom (AP no less!). The argument continued for a while and when it was over she dropped it on the carpet - she claims she didn't think it would break and I believe her - and it broke. She didn't throw it or smash it just sorta released it and unfortunatley it still broke.

The good thing is that now things are much better; we hardly ever argue anymore and we respect each others feelings and property. She's great about my collecting too and she even gets caught up in the hype whenever I get a great piece!

All I can say Kit is if you love her but just can't put up with her current attitude, have a long talk and tell her what's what. I did and it made a great difference. If you think she's a lost cause and that she will never change, then dump her fast and store your collection at a friends for a few days.

Either way, may the Force be with you!

The ill Jedi :vader
Sorry to hear your pain Kit...
Hope things works out.

An idea...
Just become a complete perv in the bedroom and think only of yourself. Then accidentally get caught with some PlayGirl mags... she'll dump you before you can say 'psycho' and she may even get you some polystone to ease the break-up :)
LOL, you guys are too much! :rotfl

We have been talking today. I am trying to get her to seek some anger management or something or it's just done. I think she has it in her to turn it around and she wants to, but she can't on her own as I have come to see.

Hopefully she will agree to anger management classes. If so Iam going to try to work it out. If not........the BOOT.
Kit...I kinda feel bad for your fiance after you called her kid a brat.

I'm guessing she cares a lot about you and I would be really hurt if I knew my fiance was putting me and my kid down on a public form...just somethng to consider

I also would guess if you think I'm wrong she probably isn't the woman you would spend the rest of your life with. I'm not trying to insult you I just find the things you said about her distasteful
Kookie said:
Kit...I kinda feel bad for your fiance after you called her kid a brat.

I'm guessing she cares a lot about you and I would be really hurt if I knew my fiance was putting me and my kid down on a public form...just somethng to consider

I also would guess if you think I'm wrong she probably isn't the woman you would spend the rest of your life with. I'm not trying to insult you I just find the things you said about her distasteful

Well Kookie, I find it distasteful to be called many names in front of her child because I asked her to take HER dog out to pee. I find it distastful to have expensive remote controls thrown into a wall and shattered because she's mad. I find it distatseful that her child looks me square in the face and says "NO, I am NOT doing what you say and I wish my mommy never met you!" every day because I tell her she has to brush her teeth or that she has to wear socks or a jacket when it's cold.

In short, she has severe anger managemnt issues and needs help for them and I came here to vent a little bit and I did that because I had a fear about my collection being destroyed for no other reason than uncontrolled anger.
Sounds like a happy household in the KitFisto family. At least we know Jerry Springer will have more future guests.

Seriously dude, bail. Dealing with a psycho female is one thing. Having to deal with a pyscho female and a spoiled brat of a kid is another. Call you insurance agency, take pics, and cut your losses.
Kookie said:
Sounds like a happy household in the KitFisto family. At least we know Jerry Springer will have more future guests.

Well, aren't you a classy guy? Sorry, but I don't play the game like she does or act that way, so I would be way too boring to be on Springer, but sounds like you watch all the time. Enjoy.
Kookie said:
Kit...I kinda feel bad for your fiance after you called her kid a brat.

I'm guessing she cares a lot about you and I would be really hurt if I knew my fiance was putting me and my kid down on a public form...just somethng to consider

I also would guess if you think I'm wrong she probably isn't the woman you would spend the rest of your life with. I'm not trying to insult you I just find the things you said about her distasteful

Kookie said:
Sounds like a happy household in the KitFisto family. At least we know Jerry Springer will have more future guests.

I think its wrong to judge kit here and call him "distasteful"....We dont know Kit, he did not use anyones name nor did he put up pictures of his girlfreind and her child...he merely discribed the situation he was in and asked for some input.....It is often times difficult to talk to people you and her both know and discuss what is going on....Kit came here for freindly advise....not to get judged or bad mouthed....This is often a place to talk about more than just collecting stuff....We have a community feeling here and like to keep it that way..So please be understanding of someones problems they may be having:peace
kingdarkness03 said:
I think its wrong to judge kit here and call him "distasteful"....We dont know Kit, he did not use anyones name nor did he put up pictures of his girlfreind and her child...he merely discribed the situation he was in and asked for some input.....It is often times difficult to talk to people you and her both know and discuss what is going on....Kit came here for freindly advise....not to get judged or bad mouthed....This is often a place to talk about more than just collecting stuff....We have a community feeling here and like to keep it that way..So please be understanding of someones problems they may be having:peace

Thanks for the kind words. I came to vent and I thak those who gave the friendly input. It's a lousy situation to be in and sometimes it's easy to dump in a forum where you really don't "know" anyone and will get some friendly advice and a few funny one liners. Makes it a little more easy to deal with and some good advice is also given from some people who may have beebn through the same thing.
KitFisto said:
Thanks for the kind words. I came to vent and I thak those who gave the friendly input. It's a lousy situation to be in and sometimes it's easy to dump in a forum where you really don't "know" anyone and will get some friendly advice and a few funny one liners. Makes it a little more easy to deal with and some good advice is also given from some people who may have beebn through the same thing.

I know how hard relationships can be,as does everyone else, but talking about your problems is often harder than haveing them..so I just dont think its right to make those kind of comments unless you know the person or have been in his/hers situation.....

I would still go with the dressing in her clothes option:D
you can always say you still love her but you are coming out of the closet :D

And not all women are like that... what I worry about is that if I ever find a man that he will think I am some kinda freak with all the statues I have here... well I guess it will be... love me, love my statues :lol

But if he would break one... I will have to break him :D :lol

I even fired the cleaning lady because I told her do not touch my statues.. I will clean them myself... but she did not listen and broke my SDCC Gollum... I was not happy

I really hope things work out for you... and remember... not all women are ******* ;)
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