West Side Story...

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mfoga said:
I have Phanton 4 times already. My favorite opera ever.

I saw it three times and Les Mis twice! I got a heck of a lot of autographs during that time period as well!

This is bringing back a lot of memories. The first broadway show I ever saw was "Arsenic and Old Lace" with William Hickey, Abe Vigoda (Fish on Barney Miller), and Polly Holliday (Flo on Alice)!!! That has always been one of my favorite Cary Grant movies, and to see it on Broadway was just amazing!
MisterToyNYC said:
The best modern musical has to be Les Miserables.

Agree, though having seen Phantom twice, it is hard to top.

As for musicals/films - My Fair Lady and An American in Paris are great. :clap
Les Miserables is one of those I have wanted to see for a while but never have yet.
I got to see Phantom in LA in 1991 with Michael Crawford as the title and it was a very good experience. I would definately put Phantom up there as one of my favorites (although the cast recording is kind of over produced and very 80's sounding to me... and not in a good way.)
I saw Les Miz in previews in London, and I thought it was fantastic but a lot of the stage effects weren't working. I saw it later (also in London) and they had improved it a lot.

It's too bad that something that becomes mega-popular ultimately becomes completely uncool.
Davis Gains is the Phantom to see. I don't know if he's still doing it but he is fantastic!

Sweeny Todd is great if you have a taste for that sort of thing. (Get it? Taste? 'Cause it's about chopping people up and serving them to the general public...? Never mind.)

But Les Miz is probably the best of the 20th century if for no other reason it synthsized so many elements of all the others so successfully.

Phantom is great fun if you don't mind it not having a plot you can follow. Shame what Joel Schumacher did to it. That's two things he's torn down. (Batman being the other.)

I really liked Blood Brothers. I used to work front of house staff in the Shubert Theatres back in the day and had my run of the musicals. Must have seen the last 18 minutes of Phantom (from like 15 feet from the stage) three dozen times at least.
Customikey said:
Think Marilyn Manson meets Iggy Pop mixed with David Bowie

Sweet Jesus. Manson, Pop , Bowie & musical should never all show up in the same sentence! I'm intrigued yet repulsed at the same time.
King Darkness said:
Sweet Jesus. Manson, Pop , Bowie & musical should never all show up in the same sentence! I'm intrigued yet repulsed at the same time.

Then check this, Hedwig is about a German kid who got a sex change to sneak past the Berlin Wall with a US Officer who fell in love with him. The sex change operation got botched, and he was left with a one inch stump.

He starts a rock band, but all his songs get stolen by his protege, who goes on to be a huge success while Hedwig is stuck playing lounges. There's a film version out that is completely faithful and well worth checking out. At the very least, you've got to hear "Origin of Love." Just amazing rock and roll music.

Now that I think about it, Hedwig is really more like The Who's Tommy meets Rocky Horror.

Davis Gaines was a great Phantom! He and I went to the same college, and I got to see him when he returned to do a benefit.

And it IS a shame what Schumacher did. He got so much right, if only the casting had been on par. Raoul was wonderful, but Christine couldn;t hit the high notes, and the Phantom was too young and too pretty. And his deformity NEEDS to be grotesque to justify Christines horror of him. If it looks like acne (as it did in the movie) it makes her look really shallow.

I know Les Miserables by heart. What an amazing score.

Early Webber is certainly better than his later works. Jesus Christ Superstar is an amazing work.

I once played the Abe Vigoda part in Arsenic & Old Lace. One of the best roles ever. Love to play evil bastards.
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